Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Arthrodesmus hiatus W.B. Turner
Alg. Aquae Dulc. Ind. Orient.: 134. 1893. (L)
Type locality: India: Bengal

See Staurodesmus hiatus (W.B. Turner) P. Bourrelly & A. Couté 1991 (invalid)

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TURNER, William Barwell
Algae aquae dulcis Indiae orientalis. The fresh-water algae (principally Desmidieae) of East India
Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., [ser. 4],
25{5}. 187 pp., XXIII pls. [fide Krok, pp. 1-8, 1892, 9-187, 1893]
cardnote: [mostly collections by G.C. Wallich from Raneegunge District, West Bengal, ca. 120 mi. NW of Calcutta, 1855; also J. Sutherland from central and northern India; Utricularia specimens from S, comm. Lagerheim]
Taxa in INA: 44 keyboarded  p

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