Accession Detail Results


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Specimen number SEINET7577213
Determination Carex subfusca Image available
More information: Jepson Online Interchange
Collector, number, date George W. Gillett, 777, 1957-7-13
Verbatim date 7 13 1957
County Shasta
Locality Lower Kings Creek Meadow, near start of trail to Bench Lake.
Elevation 2195m
Voucher information
other label numbersMICH1388722
verbatim elevation7200 ft
Annotations and/or
curatorial actions
current determination (uncorrected): Carex subfusca

    Related searches:
  1. taxon=Carex subfusca
  2. county=Shasta; taxon=Carex subfusca
  3. county=Shasta; collector=Gillett
  4. collector=Gillett; taxon=Carex subfusca
  5. collector=Gillett; number=777
  6. collector=Gillett; number=777; include nearby numbers
  7. date=7 13 1957; collector=Gillett
  8. date=7 13 1957; county=Shasta
  9. Possible GBIF records [External]
  10. Plot elevation range (from Jepson Manual) against latitude
Check for yellow flag
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  Copyright © 2018 Regents of the University of California — Updated 11 January 2019