Accession Detail Results


 RSA is the home institution for this record
 Please cite data retrieved from this page: Data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (; Tue Apr 9 23:39:28 2024).
 Records are made available under the CCH Data Use Terms.

Specimen number RSA777359
Determination Gilia modocensis
More information: Jepson Online Interchange
Collector, number, date Orlando Mistretta, Christine Mistretta, 5116, 2010-5-19
Verbatim date 2010-05-19
County Los Angeles
Locality Aliso Canyon; approximately 1.75 mile NW of the intersection of Aliso Cyn and the Angeles Forest Hwy.
Elevation 1103m
HabitatCoarse granitic soils, level site, full sun. All burned in Station Fire of 2010. Formerly chaparral association. Currently rich assemblage of annual species including Calyptridium monandrum, Lotus strigosus, Gilia brecciarum, Cryptantha muricata var. jonesii, Claytonia parviflora, Camissonia campestris, Nemophila menziesii, Phacelia brachyloba. Also seedling and stump sprouting Adenostema fasciculatum, Quercus john-tuckeri, Rhamnus ilicifolia, Prunus ilicilolia, Sambucus mexicana. Weed incidence very low.
Coordinates 34.42670 -118.10797 BerkeleyMapper [or without layers, here]
Datumnot recorded
Coordinate sourceNot recorded
Voucher information
other label numbers51ad476c-84fa-4c15-b06e-73e746550851
verbatim elevation3620

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  1. taxon=Gilia modocensis
  2. county=Los Angeles; taxon=Gilia modocensis
  3. county=Los Angeles; collector=Mistretta
  4. collector=Mistretta; taxon=Gilia modocensis
  5. collector=Mistretta; number=5116
  6. collector=Mistretta; number=5116; include nearby numbers
  7. date=2010-05-19; collector=Mistretta
  8. date=2010-05-19; county=Los Angeles
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  10. Return geographically nearby records (within ~3 mi).   List of names, 1 record each
  11. Plot elevation range (from Jepson Manual) against latitude
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  Copyright © 2018 Regents of the University of California — Updated 11 January 2019