Accession Detail Results


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 Please cite data retrieved from this page: Data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (; Wed Apr 10 14:12:14 2024).
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Specimen number RSA718929
Determination Spiraea densiflora
More information: Jepson Online Interchange
Collector, number, date Michael Honer, 2377, 2006-9-1
Verbatim date 2006-09-01
County Fresno
Locality North Fork of the Kings River; 2.25 mi. ESE from Courtright Resevoir Dam. Near deep pool approx. 300m E of confluence with Anderson Creek.
Elevation 2134m
HabitatNarrow river valley surrounded by broad glaciated granitic slabs on all sides. Rocky, silty, seasonally inundated streamside adjacent to mixed coniferous woodland, with Pinus contorta, Salix spp., Spiraea densiflora, Vaccinium uliginosum, Lupinus polyphyllus, Sorbus californica, Carex spp.
Coordinates 37.07330 -118.92830 BerkeleyMapper [or without layers, here]
Coordinate sourceGPS
Voucher information
phenologyflowers & fruits
other label numbers95d89fe6-ef6e-4bdf-a4d1-d9fe7d3eef1f
verbatim elevation7000
NotesCommon shrub to 1m high. Flws magenta.;

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  7. date=2006-09-01; collector=Honer
  8. date=2006-09-01; county=Fresno
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  Copyright © 2018 Regents of the University of California — Updated 11 January 2019