Accession Detail Results


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 Please cite data retrieved from this page: Data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (; Tue Apr 9 22:56:32 2024).
 Records are made available under the CCH Data Use Terms.

Specimen number RSA561115
Determination Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium
More information: Jepson Online Interchange
Collector, number, date Steve Boyd, Tim S. Ross, Dave Bramlet, 7320, 1993-5-12
Verbatim date 1993-05-12
County Riverside
Locality Southern Santa Ana Mountains, San Mateo Canyon Wilderness Area. San Mateo Canyon, along stream and adjacent benches and lower slopes from confluence with Los Alamos canyon downstream to confluence with Tenaja Canyon,
Elevation 365 m
HabitatMosaic of Adenostoma fasciculatum-Ceanothus crassifolius chaparral and Eriogonum fasciculatum- Artemisia californica coastal sage scrub on slopes, Quercus agrifolia woodland on benches and riparian woodland of Platanus racemosa, Fraxinus velutina, Salix lasiolepis and Baccharis salicifolia along active stream channel.
Coordinates 33.54050 -117.39990 BerkeleyMapper [or without layers, here]
DatumWGS84; ER = 1000 m
Coordinate sourceBerkeleyMapper
Voucher information
other label numbers16896e03-c0b0-44f3-8e3b-a112172a13c0
verbatim elevation1200-1400
Notes<coords cont.: W1/4 NW1/4>; Common shrub, flowers white.;

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  1. taxon=Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium
  2. county=Riverside; taxon=Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium
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  4. collector=Boyd; taxon=Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium
  5. collector=Boyd; number=7320
  6. collector=Boyd; number=7320; include nearby numbers
  7. date=1993-05-12; collector=Boyd
  8. date=1993-05-12; county=Riverside
  9. Possible GBIF records [External]
  10. Return geographically nearby records (within ~3 mi).   List of names, 1 record each
  11. Plot elevation range (from Jepson Manual) against latitude
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  Copyright © 2018 Regents of the University of California — Updated 11 January 2019