Accession Detail Results


 RSA is the home institution for this record
 Please cite data retrieved from this page: Data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (; Wed Apr 10 14:01:10 2024).
 Records are made available under the CCH Data Use Terms.

Specimen number RSA0042870
Determination Eriogonum thomasii
More information: Jepson Online Interchange
Collector, number, date Jim Andre, 26098, 2013-3-20
Verbatim date 2013-03-20
County San Bernardino
Locality Piute Mountains: along Natl Trails Hwy (U.S. Hwy 66), approx 1 mi. south of I-40 and 4 mi. ESE of Fenner.
Elevation 754m
HabitatGravelly low-gradient alluvial surfaces, some pavement.
Coordinates 34.81095 -115.10121 BerkeleyMapper [or without layers, here]
Coordinate sourceNot recorded
Voucher information
other label numbers4fc9992d-f2f4-458a-aeac-639abb880718
verbatim elevation2476

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  1. taxon=Eriogonum thomasii
  2. county=San Bernardino; taxon=Eriogonum thomasii
  3. county=San Bernardino; collector=Andre
  4. collector=Andre; taxon=Eriogonum thomasii
  5. collector=Andre; number=26098
  6. collector=Andre; number=26098; include nearby numbers
  7. date=2013-03-20; collector=Andre
  8. date=2013-03-20; county=San Bernardino
  9. Possible GBIF records [External]
  10. Return geographically nearby records (within ~3 mi).   List of names, 1 record each
  11. Plot elevation range (from Jepson Manual) against latitude
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  Copyright © 2018 Regents of the University of California — Updated 11 January 2019