Accession Detail Results


 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo is the home institution for this record
 Please cite data retrieved from this page: Data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (; Tue Apr 9 23:00:40 2024).
 Records are made available under the CCH Data Use Terms.

Specimen number OBI56847
Determination Anthriscus caucalis
More information: Jepson Online Interchange
Collector, number, date David J. Keil, 26971, 1998-4-28
Verbatim date 28-Apr-98
County San Luis Obispo
Locality Los Padres National Forest. Just north of Cuyama River on hills near Rock Front Ranch. ORV trailhead. T325, R17E, Sec 25 and T325, R18E, sec 30.
HabitatArea burned over in the summer of 1997. Mosaic of chaparral and foothill woodland with outcroppings of conglomerate. Creek flowing through site; Locally common in shaded canyons
Voucher information
population biologyFlowers white
other label numbers676df67f-6c28-4a2c-a4d7-911d1a144e7c
Annotations and/or
curatorial actions
1: Trifolium microcephalum, original identification, undetermined
current determination (uncorrected): Anthriscus caucalis

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  1. taxon=Anthriscus caucalis
  2. county=San Luis Obispo; taxon=Anthriscus caucalis
  3. county=San Luis Obispo; collector=Keil
  4. collector=Keil; taxon=Anthriscus caucalis
  5. collector=Keil; number=26971
  6. collector=Keil; number=26971; include nearby numbers
  7. date=28-Apr-98; collector=Keil
  8. date=28-Apr-98; county=San Luis Obispo
  9. Possible GBIF records [External]
  10. Plot elevation range (from Jepson Manual) against latitude
Check for yellow flag
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  Copyright © 2018 Regents of the University of California — Updated 11 January 2019