Accession Detail Results


 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo is the home institution for this record
 Please cite data retrieved from this page: Data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (; Tue Apr 9 23:26:08 2024).
 Records are made available under the CCH Data Use Terms.

Specimen number OBI53986
Determination Erythranthe arvensis
More information: Jepson Online Interchange
Collector, number, date Barbara Ertter, David Thompson, 8173, 1989-4-8
Verbatim date 8-Apr-89
County Placer
Locality Iowa Creek Rd ca 2 mi from I-80 near entrance to Auburn State Recreaton Area, at crk crossing
Elevation 518 m
HabitatBoulders at base of oen S facing slope
Voucher information
population biologyOnly at edge of boulder; herbage +/- slimy, fls yellow
other label numbers90bb5eda-1d9e-4be5-8356-1a6295747073
verbatim coordinatesT14N R9E sec 2
verbatim elevation1700 ft
Annotations and/or
curatorial actions
1: Mimulus guttatus, unknown, unknown
2: Erythranthe arvensis, Naomi S. Fraga, 2016
current determination (uncorrected): Erythranthe arvensis

    Related searches:
  1. taxon=Erythranthe arvensis
  2. county=Placer; taxon=Erythranthe arvensis
  3. county=Placer; collector=Ertter
  4. collector=Ertter; taxon=Erythranthe arvensis
  5. collector=Ertter; number=8173
  6. collector=Ertter; number=8173; include nearby numbers
  7. date=8-Apr-89; collector=Ertter
  8. date=8-Apr-89; county=Placer
  9. Possible GBIF records [External]
  10. Plot elevation range (from Jepson Manual) against latitude
Check for yellow flag
Explanations of the fields are available by clicking on the left-hand headings. Information about the collector is available by clicking on the collector name. The location can be mapped by clicking on "BerkeleyMapper". Other possibly pertinent records can be retrieved by clicking on "Related searches".
  Copyright © 2018 Regents of the University of California — Updated 11 January 2019