%A Hawkes, M.W.
%A Tanner, C.E.
%A Lebednik, P.A.
%D 1979.
%T The benthic marine algae of northern British Columbia.
%J Syesis
%V 11: 81--115.
%A Scagel, R.F.
%D 1957.
%T An annotated list of the marine algae of British Columbia and northern Washington (including keys to genera).
%J Bull. Natl. Mus. Canada
%V 150. v + 289 pp.
%A Scagel, R.F.
%D 1973.
%T Marine benthic plants in the vicinity of Bamfield, Barkley Sound, British Columbia.
%J Syesis
%V 6: 127--145.