University Herbarium, UC Berkeley


Reference list from DeCew's Guide


%A Breda, V.A.
%A Foster, M.S.
%D 1985.
%T Composition, abundance, and phenology of foliose red algae associated with two central California kelp forests.
%J J. Exp. Mar. Biol. & Ecol.
%V 94: 115--130.

%A Breen, P.A.
%A Carson, T.A.
%A Foster, J.B.
%A Stewart, E.A.
%D 1982.
%T Changes in subtidal community structure associated with British Columbia sea otter transplants.
%J Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser.
%V 7: 13--20.

%A Chess, J.R.
%D 1993.
%T Effects of the stipe-boring amphipod Peramphithoe stypotrupetes (Corophioidea: Ampithoidae) and grazing gastropods on the kelp Laminaria setchellii.
%J J. Crustacean Biol.
%V 13: 638--646.

%A Cowen, R.K.
%A Agegian, C.R.
%A Foster, M.S.
%D 1982.
%T The maintenance of community structure in a central California giant kelp forest.
%J J. Exp. Mar. Biol. & Ecol.
%V 64: 189--201.

%A Dayton, P.K.
%D 1975.
%T Experimental evaluation of ecological dominance in a rocky intertidal algal community.
%J Ecol. Monogr.
%V 45: 137--159.

%A DeWreede, R.E.
%A Ewanchuk, P.
%A Shaughnessy, F.
%D 1992.
%T Wounding, healing and survivorship in three kelp species
%J Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser.
%V 82: 259--266

%A Devinny, J.S.
%A Kirkwood, P.D.
%D 1974.
%T Algae associated with kelp beds of the Monterey Peninsula, California.
%J Bot. Mar.
%V 17: 100--106.

%A Devinny, J.S.
%D 1978.
%T Ordination of seaweed communities: environmental gradients at Punta Banda, Mexico.
%J Bot. Mar.
%V 21: 357--363.

%A Dieck, I. tom
%D 1991.
%T Circannual growth rhythm and photoperiodic sorus induction in the kelp Laminaria setchellii (Phaeophyta).
%J J. Phycol.
%V 27: 341--350.

%A Dieck, I. tom
%D 1992.
%T North Pacific and North Atlantic digitate Laminaria species (Phaeophyta): hybridization experiments and temperature responses.
%J Phycologia
%V 31: 147--163.

%A Doty, M.S.
%D 1946.
%T Critical tide factors that are correlated with the vertical distribution of marine algae and other organisms along the Pacific coast.
%J Ecology
%V 27: 315--328.

%A Druehl, L.D.
%A Green, J.M.
%D 1982.
%T Vertical distribution of intertidal seaweeds as related to patterns of submersion and emersion.
%J Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser.
%V 9: 163--170.

%A Druehl, L.D.
%D 1969.
%T The northeast Pacific rim distribution of the Laminariales.
%J Proc. Int. Seaweed Symp.
%V 6: 161--170.

%A Druehl, L.D.
%D 1970.
%T The pattern of Laminariales distribution in the northeast Pacific.
%J Phycologia
%V 9: 237--247.

%A Druehl, L.D.
%D 1979b.
%T On the taxonomy of California Laminaria (Phaeophyta).
%J J. Phycol.
%V 15: 337--338.

%A Foster, M.S.
%A De Vogelaere, A.P.
%A Harrold, C.
%A Pearse, J.S.
%A Thum, A.B.
%D 1988.
%T Causes of spatial and temporal patterns in rocky intertidal communities of central and northern California.
%J Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci.
%V 9. 45 pp.

%A Foster, M.S.
%A De Vogelaere, A.P.
%A Oliver, J.S.
%A Pearse, J.S.
%A Harrold, C.
%D 1991.
%T Open coast intertidal and shallow subtidal ecosystems of the northeast Pacific.
%E Mathieson, A.C., and Nienhuis, P.H. (eds.),
%B Ecosystems of the world. Vol. 24. Intertidal and littoral ecosystems.
%C Amsterdam:
%I Elsevier.
%P Pp. 235--272.

%A Foster, M.S.
%A Schiel, D.R.
%D 1985.
%T The ecology of giant kelp forests in California: a community profile.
%J U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv. Biol. Rep.
%V 85 (7.2). xv + 152 pp.

%A Foster, M.S.
%A Schiel, D.R.
%D 1988.
%T Kelp communities and sea otters: keystone species or just another brick in the wall?
%E VanBlaricom, G.R., and Estes, J.A. (eds.),
%B The community ecology of sea otters.
%C Berlin:
%I Springer.
%P Pp. 92--115.

%A Harrold, C.
%A Watanabe, J.
%A Lisin, S.
%D 1988.
%T Spatial variation in the structure of kelp forest communities along a wave exposure gradient.
%J Mar. Ecol.
%V 9: 131--156.

%A Hurd, C.L.
%A Stevens, C.L.
%D 1997.
%T Flow visualization around single- and multiple-bladed seaweeds with various morphologies.
%J J. Phycol.
%V 33: 360--367

%A Klinger, T.
%A DeWreede, R.E.
%D 1988.
%T Stipe rings, age, and size in populations of Laminaria setchellii Silva (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) in British Columbia, Canada.
%J Phycologia
%V 27: 234--240.

%A Klinger, T.
%D 1984.
%T Allocation of blade surface area to meiospore production in annual and perennial representatives of the genus Laminaria.
%H M.Sc. Thesis.
%C Vancouver:
%I University of British Columbia.
%P vii + 96 pp.

%A Laur, D.R.
%A Ebeling, A.W.
%A Coon, D.A.
%D 1988.
%T Effects of sea otter foraging on subtidal reef communities off central California.
%E VanBlaricom, G.R., and Estes, J.A. (eds.),
%B The community ecology of sea otters.
%C Berlin:
%I Springer.
%P Pp. 151--168.

%A Leigh, E.G., Jr.
%A Paine, R.T.
%A Quinn, J.F.
%A Suchanek, T.H.
%D 1987.
%T Wave energy and intertidal productivity.
%J Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
%V 84: 1314--1318.

%A Lüning, K.
%A Freshwater, W.
%D 1988.
%T Temperature tolerance of northeast Pacific marine algae.
%J J. Phycol.
%V 24: 310--315.

%A Lüning, K.
%D 1990.
%T Seaweeds: Their environment, biogeography, and ecophysiology.
%C New York:
%I John Wiley & Sons.
%P xiii + 527 pp.

%A Markham, J.W.
%D 1973.
%T Observations on the ecology of Laminaria sinclairii on three northern Oregon beaches.
%J J. Phycol.
%V 9: 336--341.

%A North, W.J.
%A Anderson, E.K.
%A Chapman, F.A.
%D 1990.
%T Abundance changes in Laminaria setchellii and Pterygophora californica (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) near the Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
%J Hydrobiologia
%V 204/205: 233--239.

%A Northcraft, R.D.
%D 1948.
%T Marine algal colonization on the Monterey Peninsula, California.
%J Amer. J. Bot.
%V 35: 396--404.

%A Paine, R.T.
%A Vadas, R.L.
%D 1969a.
%T The effects of grazing by sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus spp., on benthic algal populations.
%J Limnol. & Oceanogr.
%V 14: 710--719.

%A Paine, R.T.
%A Vadas, R.L.
%D 1969b.
%T Calorific values of benthic marine algae and their postulated relation to invertebrate food preference.
%J Mar. Biol.
%V 4: 79--86.

%A Pearse, J.S.
%A Hines, A.H.
%D 1979.
%T Expansion of a central California kelp forest following the mass mortality of sea urchins.
%J Mar. Biol.
%V 51: 83--91.

%A Rigg, G.B.
%A Miller, R.C.
%D 1949.
%T Intertidal plant and animal zonation in the vicinity of Neah Bay, Washington.
%J Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 4,
%V 26: 323--351.

%A Scagel, R.F.
%D 1961.
%T The distribution of certain benthonic algae in Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, in relation to some environmental factors.
%J Pacific Sci.
%V 15: 494--539.

%A Scagel, R.F.
%D 1963.
%T Distribution of attached marine algae in relation to oceanographic conditions in the northeast Pacific.
%E Dunbar, M.J. (ed.),
%B Marine distributions.
%C Toronto:
%I University of Toronto Press [Roy. Soc. Canada Spec. Publ. no. 5].
%P Pp. 37--50.

%A Sousa, W.P.
%A Schroeter, S.C.
%A Gaines, S.D.
%D 1981.
%T Latitudinal variation in intertidal algal community structure: the influence of grazing and vegetative propagation.
%J Oecologia
%V 48: 297--307.

%A Steinberg, P.D.
%D 1985.
%T Feeding preferences of Tegula funebralis and chemical defenses of marine brown algae.
%J Ecol. Monogr.
%V 55: 333--349.

%A Watanabe, J.M.
%A Harrold, C.
%D 1991.
%T Destructive grazing by sea urchins Strongylocentrotus spp. in a central California kelp forest: potential roles of recruitment, depth, and predation.
%J Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser.
%V 71: 125--141.

%A Widdowson, T.B.
%D 1965b.
%T A survey of the distribution of intertidal algae along a coast transitional in respect to salinity and tidal factors.
%J J. Fish. Res. Board Canada
%V 22: 1425--1454.