University Herbarium, UC Berkeley: Indian Ocean Catalogue
Chauhan, V.D., & F. Thivy
1964. On the occurrence of some Sargassum species in Gujarat. Phykos 3: 19–25, including IV pls.
Chauhan, V.D., & F. Thivy
1965. On a new form of Caulerpa racemosa from Gujarat, India. Phykos 4: 10–11, 9 figs.
Chauhan, V.D., & F. Thivy
1966. Sargassum merrifieldii J. Ag., new to the shores of India. Phykos 4: 69–70, 14 figs.
Sreenivasa Rao, P., E.R.R. Iyengar, & F. Thivy
1964. Survey of algin-bearing seaweed at Adatra reef, Okha. Current Science 33: 464–465, I table.
Thivy, F.
1948. A revision of the genus Turbinaria Lamx. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth Indian Science Congress, Patna, 1948. Part III. Abstracts. Calcutta. P. 215.
Thivy, F.
1952. Investigation of sea-weed products in India with a note on some properties of various Indian agars. In: Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, Proceedings [of the] 3rd Meeting ... 1951, Madras—India. Madras. Pp. 173–175, I table.
Thivy, F.
1958. Economic seaweeds. In S. Jones (ed.), Fisheries of the west coast of India. Mandapam Camp, India: Central Marine Fisheries Research Station. Pp. 74–80, map, I table + 7 photos.
Thivy, F.
1959. On the morphology of the gametophytic generation of Padina gymnospora (Kuetz.) Vickers. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India 1: 69–76, 16 figs.
Thivy, F.
1961 (`1960'). Seaweed utilization in India. In P. Kachroo (ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Algology ... New Delhi ... 1959. New Delhi: Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Pp. 345–364, including 2 pls., 3 tables.
Thivy, F.
1964. Marine algal cultivation. Salt Research and Industry 1: 23–28, including 2 pls.
Thivy, F.
1966. Seaweed research at CSMCRI, 1961–65. Salt Research and Industry 3: 26–29.
Thivy, F.
1982. On the importance and prospects of seaweed utilization in India. Seaweed Research and Utilisation 5: 53–59.
Thivy, F., & V.D. Chauhan
1963. Caulerpa veravalensis, a new species from Gujarat, India. Botanica Marina 5: 97–100, including I pl., 8 figs.
Thivy, F., & V.D. Chauhan
1964. Sargassum johnstonii Setchell & Gardner, a new record for the Indian Ocean region. Hydrobiologia 23: 292–299, including 2 pls., 23 figs.
Thivy, F., & Y.A. Doshi
1966. Stokeyia indica gen. nov. et spec. nov. of Cystoseiraceae. Botanica Marina 9: 64–69, including 3 pls.
Thivy, F., & S.V. Ganapati
1948. South Indian seaweeds of economic value. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth Indian Science Congress, Patna, 1948. Part III. Abstracts. Calcutta. P. 226.
Thivy, F., & E.R.R. Iyengar
1963. A new record of Griffithsia rhizophora (Grunow) ex Weber-van Bosse, for India. Botanica Marina 5: 33–37, 24 figs.
Thivy, F., & H.C. Sharma
1966. Ulva beytensis spec. nov., from Gujarat, India. Current Science 35: 150–151, 6 figs.
Thivy, F., & P. Sreenivasa Rao
1963. Polysiphonia gopnathensis, a new species from Gujarat (India). Botanica Marina 5: 25–28, including II pls.
Thivy, F., & P. Sreenivasa Rao
1964. On Chondria armata (Kütz.) Okamura var. plumaris Boergesen from Gujarat. Phykos 2: 15–18, 18 figs., pl. II.
Thivy, F., & V. Visalakshmi
1963a. A new record of Caulerpa verticillata J. Ag. forma typica, for India. Botanica Marina 5: 29–32, including II pls.
Thivy, F., & V. Visalakshmi
1963b. Caulerpa charoides (Harv. ex W.-v.Bosse) nov. comb., a new record for the Indian Ocean region. Botanica Marina 5: 101–104, including I pl., 10 figs.
Thivy, F., & V. Visalakshmi
1963c. Spongomorpha indica, a new species from Gujarat. Botaniska Notiser 116: 495–498, 14 figs.
Thivy, F., & V. Visalakshmi
1966. On Caulerpa fastigiata Mont. var. fastigiata in India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 62: 434–439, II pls.

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