Fucus polyschides Lightfoot, 1777: 936–938 syntype localities: Scotland; Cornwall, England.
Saccorhiza polyschides (Lightfoot) Batters, 1902: 48.
Fucus bulbosus Hudson, 1778: 579, nom. illeg.
Laminaria bulbosa Lamouroux, 1813: 42, nom. illeg.— J. Murray, 1881: 3.
Note: Hudson intended to propose Fucus bulbosus as a new species, but while his book was being printed he became aware of Lightfoot (1777) and in an appendix (Hudson, 1778: 661) noted that F. bulbosus was conspecific with F. polyschides. The Hudson name thus is superfluous and therefore illegitimate, as are all combinations that attempt to use this name as basionym. S. Dixit (1940b: 27) questioned Murray's record from Pakistan since this species is otherwise known only from the North Atlantic Ocean.