University Herbarium, UC Berkeley: Indian Ocean Catalogue

IOC entry for Pneophyllum limitatum

Previous entry: Plocamium costatum


Pneophyllum limitatum (Foslie) Chamberlain

Melobesia lejolisii Rosanoff forma limitata Foslie, 1905b: 102, 104 (lectotype locality: Limfjorden, Jylland, Denmark fide Chamberlain, 1983: 376 and Rosenvinge, 1909: 27).

Melobesia limitata (Foslie) Rosenvinge, 1918: 245–249.—V. Krishnamurthy & Joshi, 1970: 19.— Untawale, Dhargalkar, & Agadi, 1983: [30].

Pneophyllum limitatum (Foslie) Chamberlain, 1983: 376–385, figs. 38–42.

Note: V. Krishnamurthy & Joshi (l.c.), followed by Untawale, Dhargalkar, & Agadi (l.c.), erroneously credited Balakrishnan (1947) with recording this species from India.

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