Halymenia fastigiata Bory de Saint-Vincent in Dumont d'Urville, 1826: 594 (type locality: Falkland Islands).
Chaetangium fastigiatum (Bory de Saint-Vincent) J. Agardh, 1851 [1851–1863]: 460.—Levring, 1953: 512–513.— V. May, 1965: 404.
Nothogenia fastigiata (Bory de Saint-Vincent) Parkinson, 1983: 608–609.
Taxonomic synonym:
Chondrus variolosus Montagne, 1842a: 6–7 (type locality: Auckland Islands).
Chaetangium variolosum (Montagne) J. Agardh, 1851 [1851–1863]: 461.—De Toni & Forti, 1923: 15–16.
Note: Chaetangium variolosum is included as a synonym on the authority of Kylin & Skottsberg (1919: 6–7). The foregoing citations all refer to the record of De Toni & Forti (l.c.) from Geraldton, Western Australia, which, according to Huisman & Womersley (1994: 111), is clearly in error, since this species is subantarctic in distribution.