Fucus usneoides Linnaeus, 1759: 1345 (type locality: not specified ["Oceano Indico'' fide Linnaeus 1763: 1629]).
Cystoseira usneoides (Linnaeus) Roberts, 1968: 259–261.
Fucus granulatus Linnaeus, 1763: 1629, nom. illeg.—Burman, 1768: 239.— Turner, 1811–1819: 128–133, pl. 251.
Note: As explained by Roberts (1968: 260), Fucus granulatus is a superfluous name for F. usneoides since both names are based on the same three sheets in Linnaeus's herbarium. Because of its illegitimacy, F. granulatus is not priorable, and the various intended combinations of this name must be considered superfluous new names. The indication of "Oceano Indico'' as the provenance of this well-known species is undoubtedly an error since it is known with certainty only from the eastern North Atlantic Ocean.