University Herbarium, UC Berkeley: Indian Ocean Catalogue

IOC entry for Eucheuma jugatum

Previous entry: Eucheuma horridum forma radicans

* Eucheuma jugatum J. Agardh

Eucheuma jugatum J. Agardh, 1892: 122–123 (type locality: Mauritius).—De Toni, 1897: 370–371.— Kylin, 1932: 23, pl. 9: fig. 20.— Børgesen, 1943: 47–48.— Børgesen, 1950b: 14–15.


Note: Weber-van Bosse (1928: 415) placed Eucheuma jugatum in the synonymy of E. muricatum (S. Gmelin) Weber-van Bosse (treated as a taxonomic synonym of E. denticulatum (Burman) Collins & Hervey).

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Eucheuma leeuwenii
Eucheuma nodulosum
Eucheuma odontophorum

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