University Herbarium, UC Berkeley: Indian Ocean Catalogue

IOC entry for Ahnfeltiopsis glomerata

Previous entry: Gymnogongrus furcellatus var. patens

Ahnfeltiopsis glomerata (J. Agardh) P. Silva & DeCew

Gymnogongrus glomeratus J. Agardh, 1849: 88 (type locality: Cape of Good Hope, South Africa).—Dickie, 1874b: 196.— G. Murray, 1887: 24.— Stephenson, 1944: 351.— Stephenson, 1947: 305.— Durairatnam, 1961a: 58.— Seagrief, 1967: 96, pl. [40].— S. Dixit, 1970: 122.— Bolton, 1986: 253.— Seagrief, 1988: 58, fig. 5:11.— Branch et al., 1994: 328, pl. 156.6.

Ahnfeltiopsis glomerata (J. Agardh) P. Silva & DeCew, 1992: 578.

Taxonomic synonyms:

Gymnogongrus corymbosus J. Agardh, 1849: 88 (type locality: Cape of Good Hope, South Africa).—Dickie, 1874b: 196.

Chondrus coriaceus Kützing, 1849: 736 (type locality: Cape of Good Hope, South Africa).

Gymnogongrus coriaceus (Kützing) Grunow, 1867: 73.—Reichardt, 1871: 24.

INDIAN OCEAN DISTRIBUTION: Mauritius, St. Paul Island, South Africa, Sri Lanka.

Note: The conspecificity of Gymnogongrus glomeratus and G. corymbosus was proposed by Papenfuss (1943a: 88). Gymnogongrus coriaceus is included as a synonym on the authority of Papenfuss (notes). Although Seagrief (1988: 58) recorded this species from the eastern Cape, R. Anderson & Bolton (1990: 385) cited Pearly Beach, about 60 km west of Cape Agulhas, as the easternmost South African locality.

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Ahnfeltiopsis okamurae
Ahnfeltiopsis polyclada
Ahnfeltiopsis pygmaea

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