University Herbarium, UC Berkeley: Indian Ocean Catalogue

IOC entry for Lithothamnion australe

Previous entry: Lithothamnion album

Lithothamnion australe Foslie

Lithothamnion australe Foslie, 1904a: 24–29, fig. 10 ("forma americana'') (type locality: Gulf of California [La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico fide Dawson, 1960b: 11]).—Foslie, 1907c: 101–102.— Foslie, 1907d: 185–186.— Gardiner, 1907: fig. 34 (lower).— Adey & Lebednik, 1967: 82.

Lithophyllum australe (Foslie) Lemoine, 1917: 131.—De Toni, 1924: 683.

INDIAN OCEAN DISTRIBUTION: Cargados Carajos, Comoro Islands, Saya de Malha Bank.

Note: The name Lithothamnion australe was first used by Foslie (1900e: 13) without a description. The nomenclaturally typical form should be called forma australe as required by Art. 26 rather than the invalid "forma americana''.

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Lithothamnion australe forma brachiatum
Lithothamnion esperi
Lithothamnion gibbosum

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