University Herbarium, UC Berkeley: Indian Ocean Catalogue

IOC entry for Gracilaria dumosa

Previous entry: Gracilaria disticha

Gracilaria dumosa Harvey & Bailey

Gracilaria dumosa Harvey & Bailey in J. Bailey & Harvey, 1862: 168 (type locality: Tongatapu, Tonga).

Sphaerococcus dumosus (Harvey & Bailey) Kützing, 1869: 8, nom. illeg.—G. Martens, 1871b: 468.— Theobald, 1883: 29.

Gracilariopsis dumosa (Harvey & Bailey) Børgesen, 1952: 36–37, pl. V.

INDIAN OCEAN DISTRIBUTION: Burma (Boronga Islands), Mauritius.

Note: Sphaerococcus dumosus (Harvey & Bailey) Kützing is a later homonym of S. dumosus Martius (1833: 39; type locality: southern Brazil), of unknown application. Withell, Millar, & Kraft (1994: 302) considered Gracilaria dumosa as a possible taxonomic synonym of G. canaliculata Sonder, which they treated as a form of G. salicornia (C. Agardh) Dawson, but refrained from making a definite statement pending a study of spermatangial plants from New Caledonia, the type locality of G. canaliculata.

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Gracilaria dura
Gracilaria edulis
Gracilaria lichenoides forma lemania

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