Trichogloea lubrica J. Agardh, 1876: 514 (type locality: "in oceano pacifico calidiore'').—De Toni, 1897: 77.— Mazza, 1919 [1919–1925]: 6–7.— Jadin, 1935: 162.
Taxonomic synonym:
* Trichogloea jadinii Børgesen, 1951: 18–21, figs. 6, 7, pl. I (type locality: Flacq, Mauritius).—Børgesen, 1952: 21.
Misapplied name:
Trichogloea requienii.—Børgesen, 1942b: 17–19, fig. 7.
Note: According to Dr. I. Abbott (pers. comm., July 1994), the type of Trichogloea jadinii is representative of T. lubrica. Børgesen (1951: 18) thought that the Jadin record of T. lubrica and his own record of T. requienii were referable to Trichogloea jadinii.