Note: This genus is traditionally assigned to the Rivulariaceae, but in the opinion of Anagnostidis & Komárek (1988: 432) the lack of heterocysts and akinetes supports its placement in the Oscillatoriales.
Lyngbya juliana Meneghini, 1841b: 187 (type locality: Julian thermal springs, Toscana, Italy).
Leibleinia juliana (Meneghini) Kützing, 1847a: 194.—G. Martens, 1871a: 173.— Prain, 1905: 333.— Biswas, 1949b: 10.
Calothrix juliana (Meneghini) Bornet & Flahault, 1886a [1886–1888]: 348.—Biswas, 1926: 27, pl. VII: fig. 14.
Homoeothrix juliana (Meneghini) Kirchner, 1898: 87.—Desikachary, 1959: 519, pl. 107: fig. 7.
Note: Drouet (1973: 103, 148) chose a specimen in L as the lectotype of this species and assigned it to Calothrix parietina (Nägeli) Thuret.