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  Fred Hrusa's CROSSWALK

This is an extract from the nomenclatural crosswalk compiled by Fred Hrusa. The crosswalk is a database that accounts for the application of names of California plants. For the most part, The Jepson Manual of 1993 is the source of accepted names. The crosswalk is Hrusa's attempt to determine the Jepson name for names occurring in previous literature. In this extract, the "accepted name" forms the first line of each paragraph, with synonyms and misapplications indented beneath it. The abbreviation pointed to by the arrow is the source of the application of the name. Expansions of the abbreviation can be found at the bottom of the page. Notes about the publication of a name, and sometimes other comments, can be found between curly brackets following the name. Links are provided for names that are represented in the Jepson Interchange.

Comments tied to a name can be e-mailed in by clicking on a left-pointing arrow.

For general comments, Fred Hrusa can be contacted by e-mail: FHrusa @
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Looking for generic name Carduus as accepted name or synonym

Mail comment Carduus acanthoides L.
Carduus acanthoides L.--->source: Jeps IPNI
Mail comment Carduus nutans L.
Carduus leiophyllus Petrovic--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus nutans L. subsp. leiophyllus (Petrovic) Stojanov & Stef.--->source: UNK
Carduus nutans L. subsp. nutans--->source: UNK
Carduus nutans L. var. leiophyllus (Petrovic) Arenes--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus nutans L.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Mail comment Carduus pycnocephalus L.
Carduus pycnocephalus L.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Mail comment Carduus tenuiflorus Curtis
Carduus neglectus auct. non Tenore--->source: Abr4 IPNI
Carduus tenuiflorus W. Curtis--->source: Mnz IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. var. horridum Wimm. & Grab.--->source: PNW {pub. info.: Fl. Siles. 3: 82. 1829 (sine type)} IPNI
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. var. mite Wimm. & Grab.--->source: PNW {pub. info.: Fl. Siles. 3: 82. 1829 (sine type)} IPNI
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus arvensis (L.) Robs.--->source: PNW {pub. info.: Brit. Fl. 163. 1777} IPNI
Carduus arvensis (L.) Robson--->source: UNK IPNI
Cnicus arvensis (L.) Hoffm.--->source: PNW {pub. info.: Deutschl. Fl. ed. 2. 2: 130. 1804} IPNI
Serratula arvensis L.--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Sp. Pl. 820. 1753} IPNI
Breea dioica Less.--->source: PNW {pub. info.: Syn. Gen. Comp. 10. 1832} IPNI
Serratula setosa Willd.--->source: PNW {pub. info.: Sp. Pl. 3: 1645. 1803} IPNI
Cirsium setosum (Willd.) Bieb.--->source: PNW {pub. info.: Fl. Taur. Cauc. 3: 560. 1819} IPNI
Carduus setosus (Willd.) Bab.--->source: PNW {pub. info.: Gard. Chron. 718: 1844} IPNI
Cnicus setosus (Willd.) Bess.--->source: PNW {pub. info.: Prim. Fl. Galic. 2: 172. 1809} IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium canovirens Rydb.
Cirsium canovirens Rydb.--->source: Jeps IPNI
Carduus nevadensis auct. non Greene, non Willk.--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: not Cirsium nevadense Willk.} IPNI
Cirsium utahense auct. non Petrak--->source: Mnz IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium ciliolatum (L.F. Hend.) J.T. Howell
Cirsium botrys Petr.--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 35: 483. 1917} IPNI
Cirsium ciliolatum (Henderson) J.T. Howell--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus ciliolatus (Henderson) Heller--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Muhlenbergia 1: 5. 1900} IPNI
Cirsium howellii Petr.--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 35: 486. 1917} IPNI
Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng. var. ciliolatum Henderson--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 348. 1900} IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium crassicaule (Greene) Jeps.
Cirsium crassicaule (Greene) Jeps.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus crassicaulis Greene--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Proc. Acad. Phila. 1892: 357. 1893} IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium cymosum (Greene) J.T. Howell
Cirsium cymosum (Greene) J.T. Howell--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus cymosus Greene in Greene--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Fl. Fran.480. 1897} IPNI
Cirsium triacanthum Petr.--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 35: 481. 1917} IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium fontinale (Greene) Jeps. var. fontinale
Carduus fontinalis (Greene) Greene p.p.--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Proc. Acad. Phila. 1892: 363. 1893} IPNI
Cnicus fontinalis Greene p.p.--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Bull. Calif. Acad. 2: 151. 1886} IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium hydrophilum (Greene) Jeps. var. hydrophilum
Carduus hydrophilus Greene p.p.--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Proc. Acad. Phila. 1892: 358. 1893} IPNI
Cirsium vaseyi (Gray) Jeps. var. hydrophilum (Greene) Jeps. in Jeps.--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Man. Fl. Pl. Calif. 1165. 1925} IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium mohavense (Greene) Petr.
Cirsium mohavense (Greene) Petrak--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus mohavensis Greene--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Proc. Acad. Phila. 1892: 361. 1893} IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jeps. var. californicum (A. Gray) D.J. Keil & C. Turner
Carduus bernardinus Greene--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Proc. Acad. Phila. 1892: 361. 1893} IPNI
Cirsium californicum Gray--->source: Mnz IPNI
Cirsium californicum Gray subsp. californicum--->source: UNK IPNI
Cirsium californicum Gray var. bernardinum (Greene) Petrak--->source: Mnz IPNI
Cirsium californicum Gray var. pseudoreglense Petr.--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 35: 479. 1917} IPNI
Carduus californicus (Gray) Greene--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus lilacinus (Greene) Greene--->source: Mnz IPNI
Cnicus lilacinus Greene--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Bull. Calif. Acad. 2: 404. 1887} IPNI
Carduus neglectus Greene--->source: Mnz IPNI
Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jeps. var. californicum (A. Gray) D.J. Keil & C. Turner--->source: Jeps IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jeps. var. candidissimum (Greene) J.F. Macbr.
Cirsium candidissimum Davids. & Mox. in Davids. & Mox., non Dammer--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Fl. S. Calif. 438. 1923. Not Dammer, 1898} IPNI
Carduus candidissimus Greene--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Proc. Acad. Phila. 1892: 359. 1893} IPNI
Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jeps. var. candidissimum (Greene) J.F. Macbr.--->source: Jeps IPNI
Carduus occidentalis Nutt. var. candidissimus (Greene) Hall--->source: Mnz IPNI
Cirsium pastoris J.T. Howell--->source: Mnz IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jeps. var. occidentale
Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jeps. var. coulteri (Harv. & Gray) Jeps. in Jeps.--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Man. Fl. Pl. Calif. 1167. 1925} IPNI
Carduus occidentalis Nutt.--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. II. 7: 418. 1841} IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jeps. var. venustum (Greene) Jeps.
Cirsium coulteri Harv. & Gray var. venustum (Greene) Jeps.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Cirsium coulteri auct. non Harv. & Gray--->source: Abr4 IPNI
Cirsium occidentale (Nutt.) Jeps. var. venustum (Greene) Jeps.--->source: Jeps IPNI
Cirsium proteanum Howell--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Leafl. W. Bot. 9: 14. 1959} IPNI
Carduus venustus Greene--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Proc. Acad. Phila. 1892: 359. 1893. Not Cirsium venustum Porta, 1909} IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium remotifolium (Hook.) DC.
Cirsium acanthodontum Blake--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Contr. Gray Herb. No. 53: 28. 1918} IPNI
Cirsium amblylepis Petr.--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 35: 312. 1917} IPNI
Cirsium americanum auct non (Gray) Daniels--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus americanus auct. non (Gray) Greene--->source: PNW IPNI
Cirsium americanus Gray var. callilepis (Greene) Jeps. in Jeps.--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Man. Fl. Pl. Calif. 1164. 1925} IPNI
Cnicus americanus auct. non (Gray) Gray--->source: PNW IPNI
Carduus callilepis Greene--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Proc. Acad. Phila. 1892: 358. 1893} IPNI
Cirsium callilepis (Greene) Jeps.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Cirsium callilepis (Greene) Jeps. var. pseudocarlinoides (Petr.) Howell--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Leafl. W. Bot. 9: 10. 1959} IPNI
Cnicus carlinoides AUTH? var. americanus auct. non Gray--->source: PNW IPNI
Cirsium centaureae auct. non (Rydb.) K. Schum.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Cirsium mendocinum Petrak--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 35: 339. 1917} IPNI
Cirsium remotifolium (Hook.) DC. subsp. odontolepis Petr.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Cirsium remotifolium (Hook.) DC. subsp. pseudocarlinoides Petr.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Cirsium remotifolium (Hook.) DC. var. rivulare Jeps. in Jeps.--->source: UNK {pub. info.: Man. Fl. Pl. Calif. 1164. 1925} IPNI
Cirsium remotifolium (Hook.) DC.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus remotifolius Hook.--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 302. 1833} IPNI
Cnicus remotifolius (Hook.) Gray--->source: PNW {pub. info.: Proc. Am. Acad. 10: 47. 1874} IPNI
Cirsium stenolepidum Nutt.--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Trans. Amer. Phila. Soc. II. 419. 1841} IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium rhothophilum S.F. Blake
Cirsium maritimum (Elmer) Petrak, non Makino--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 35: 288. 1917. not Makino, 1910} IPNI
Carduus maritimus Elmer--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Bot. Gaz. 39: 45. 1905} IPNI
Cirsium rhothophilum Blake--->source: Mnz IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium scariosum Nutt.
Carduus acaulescens auct. non (Gray) Rydb.--->source: GHI IPNI
Cirsium acaulescens auct. non (Gray) K. Schum. in Just--->source: GHI IPNI
Cirsium coloradense (Rydb.) Cockerell var. acaulescens auct. non (Gray) Petrak--->source: GHI IPNI
Carduus drummondii (T. & G.) Cov. var. acaulescens auct., non (Gray) Cov.--->source: GHI IPNI
Carduus drummondii auct. non (T. & G.) Cov.--->source: GHI IPNI
Cirsium drummondii T. & G.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Cirsium drummondii T. & G. subsp. lanatum Petr.--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 35: 354. 1917} IPNI
Cirsium drummondii T. & G. var. acaulescens auct. non (Gray) Macbr.--->source: GHI IPNI
Cnicus drummondii (T. & G.) Gray var. acaulescens auct., non Gray--->source: GHI IPNI
Cirsium foliosum auct. non (Hook.) DC.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus foliosus auct. non Hook.--->source: Abr4 IPNI
Cirsium scariosum Nutt.--->source: Jeps IPNI
Cirsium tioganum (Congd.) Petrak--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus tioganus (Congd.) Heller--->source: GHI {pub. info.: Muhlenbergia 1: 147. 1906.} IPNI
Cnicus tioganus Congd.--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Erythea 7: 186. 1900} IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng.
Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus undulatus Nutt.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus undulatus Nutt.--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Gen. 2: 130. 1818} IPNI
Cnicus undulatus (Nutt.) A. Gray--->source: Abr4 IPNI
Cnicus undulatus (Nutt.) A. Gray var. megacephalus Gray--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 42. 1874} IPNI
Mail comment Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.
Cirsium lanceolatum (L.) Scop., non Hill--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Fl. Carn. ed. 2. 2: 130. 1772. Not Hill, Herb. Brit. 1: 80 1769} IPNI
Carduus lanceolatus L.--->source: Abr4 IPNI
Carduus lanceolatus L.--->source: Abr4 {pub. info.: Sp. Pl. 821. 1753} IPNI
Cnicus lanceolatus (L.) Willd.--->source: PNW {pub. info.: Prodr. Fl. Berol. 259. 1787} IPNI
Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus vulgaris Savi--->source: Mnz {pub. info.: Syll. Fl. Neap. Appendix 5. 39. 1842} IPNI
Carduus vulgaris Savi--->source: UNK IPNI
Mail comment Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.
Carduus marianum L.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.--->source: Mnz IPNI
Carduus marianus L.--->source: Abr4 IPNI

These are the sources of the application of a name, not the place of publication of a name.
Abr4: L. Abrams, 1960 Ill. Fl. Pacific States. V. IV
GHI: Gray Herbarium Index, Online. Harvard University Herbaria. No longer available as this.
Jeps: Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. 1993 Hickman ed.
Mnz: P.A. Munz & D.D. Keck 1959. A California Flora
PNW: Vasc. Pl Pac. NW unspecified volume. C.L. Hitchc., Cronquist & Ownbey
UNK: unrecorded source