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California Moss eFlora: Literature list

Jan 1 2013 ·

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Abramov, I. I. and L. A. Volkova. 1998. Handbook of mosses of Karelia. Arctoa 7 Supplement 1:1-390. [Excellent illustrations for several species that occur in California.] |js|

Allen, B. H. 2002. Moss flora of Central America. Part. 2. Encalyptaceae-Orthotrichaceae. Monographs in Systematic Botany 90:1-699. [Illustrations.] |js|

Crum, H. A. and L. E. Anderson. 1981. Mosses of Eastern North America. 2 vols. Columbia University Press. New York, NY. |js|

Flowers, S. 1973. Mosses: Utah and the West. Brigham Young University Press, Provo, UT. |js|

Ignatov, M. S. and E. A. Ignatova 2003. Moss flora of the Middle European Russia. Vol. I. Sphagnaceae-Hedwigiaceae. KMK Scientific Press, Ltd. Arctoa 11, Supplement 1:1-608. [Numerous excellent illustrations for species that occur in California.] |js|

Ireland, R. R. 1982. Moss flora of the Maritime Provinces. National Museum of Canada Publication in Botany 13.:1-738. [Excellent illustrations for many taxa occurring in California.] |js|

Lawton, E. 1971. Moss flora of the Pacific Northwest. Hattori Botanical Laboratory Nichinan, Miyazaki, Japan. |js|

Ochyra, R. 1998a. The moss flora of King George Island, Antarctica. Polish Academy of Sciences, W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Cracow, Poland. [Illustrations.] |js|

Sharp, A. J., H. Crum, and P. M. Eckel. 1994. The moss flora of Mexico. 2 vols. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 69:1-1113. |js|

Smith, A. J. E. 1978. The moss flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. [Excellent illustrations for many taxa that occur in California.] |js|

Zolotov, V. I. 2000. The genus Bryum (Bryaceae, Musci) in Middle European Russia. Arctoa 9:155-232. [Illustrations for Bryum species that occur in California.] online at |js|

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