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California Moss eFlora: Literature list

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Bradshaw, R. V. 1926. The mosses of Stanford University and vicinity. The Bryologist 29:33-36. |js|

Harpel, J. 1980a. A preliminary floristic survey of the mosses in the San Jacinto Mountains. M.S. thesis. California Polytechnic State University, Pomona, CA. |js|

Harthill, M. P., D. M. Long, and B. D. Mishler. 1979. Preliminary list of southern California mosses. The Bryologist 82:260-267. [Lists 171 taxa.] |js|

Kellman, K. M. 2003. A catalogue of the mosses of Santa Cruz County, California. Madroño 50:61-82. [Lists 190 species and 1 variety.] |js|

Kingman, C. C. 1912. A list of mosses collected in southern California. The Bryologist 15:93-95. |js|

Koch, L. F. 1950a. Mosses of California: an annotated list of species. Leaflets Western Botany 6:1-40. [Lists 317 taxa.] |js|

Koch, L. F. and G. J. Ikenberry 1954. Preliminary studies of California mosses II. The Bryologist 57:291-300. [Lists 150 taxa.] |js|

Lesquereux, L. 1868. A catalogue of the species found up to the present time on the northwest coast of the United States and especially in California. Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences 1:1-38. |js|

Lesquereux, L. and T. P. James. 1884. Manual of the mosses of North America., Bradlee Whidden Publisher, Boston, MA. |js|

Long, D. M. 1978. The ecology and distribution of mosses in a portion of the San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles County, California. M.S. thesis. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA. |js|

McCleary, J. A. 1972. The mosses of the Channel Islands, California. Madroño 21:435-438. [Lists 76 taxa.] |js|

Millspaugh, C. F. and L. W. Nuttall. 1923. Flora of Santa Catalina Island. Field Museum National History Botany 5:1-413. [Lists 28 mosses identified by R. S. Williams.] |js|

Mishler, B. D. 1978. Mosses of the chaparral: the systematics and ecology of the class Musci in the San Dimas Experimental Forest, California. M.S. thesis. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA. |js|

Sayre, G. 1940. Mosses of the Santa Barbara Islands. The Bryologist 43:32-35. [Lists 39 mosses.] |js|

Shevock, J. R. and D. Toren. 2001. A catalogue of the mosses for the City and County of San Francisco, California. Madroño 48:1-16. [Lists 128 species.] |js|

Steere, W. C. 1954. Bryophyta of Santa Catalina Island, California. Madroño 12:180-189. [lists 47 species.] |js|

Steere, W. C., L. E. Anderson, and V. S. Bryan. 1954. Chromosome studies on California mosses. Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 20:1-75. [Chromosome counts obtained for 55 mosses.] |js|

Thomson, J. W. and E. H. Ketchledge. 1958. The 1957 forays of the American Bryological Society on the Santa Cruz Peninsula, California. The Bryologist 61:155-161. |js|

Toren, D. 1977. A moss flora of Lake County, California. M.S. thesis. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA. |js|

Watson, S. 1880. Musci. Pp 353-423 in Botany of California, volume II, of Geological Survey of California, John Wiley & Son, University Press, Cambridge, MA. |js|

Whittemore, A. T. and S. Sommers. 1999. The bryophytes of Edgewood County Park, San Mateo County Park, California. Evansia 16:143-146. |js|

Yurky, P. 1990. A bryophyte flora of Marin County. M.S. thesis. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA. |js|

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