The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California

  • Up-to-date information about California vascular plants is available from the Jepson eFlora.

Names are linked to treatments from the Manual

Key to RUMEX

N.B.: couplets are linked, e.g., 1. is linked to 1'.

  1. Dioecious (rarely some flowers bisexual); stem erect, slender, generally < 4 dm; perianth ± red in flower, tubercles 0 in fruit (subg. Acetosa)
    2. Leaves generally sagittate to hastate; stem single from slender rhizome; inner perianth lobes ± = fruit faces
R. acetosella
    2' Leaves linear to lanceolate; stems clustered on taproot; inner perianth lobes >> fruit faces
R. paucifolius
  1' Flowers generally bisexual; stem decumbent to erect, generally stout, generally > 7 dm; perianth generally green in flower, tubercles various or 0 in fruit (subg. Rumex)
    3. Leaves cauline; main stem prostrate to ± erect, generally with smaller branches at most nodes, branches often producing flowers after main stem; native (sect. Axillares)
      4. Inner perianth lobes > 12 mm; Modoc Plateau
R. venosus
      4' Inner perianth lobes < 6 mm; widespread
R. salicifolius
        5. Tubercles 0 or inconspicuous; inner perianth lobes triangular, with short, triangular teeth near base
var. denticulatus
        5' Tubercles 1 or 3 per flower, ± obvious; inner perianth lobes lanceolate to round, teeth generally 0
          6. 1 tubercle obvious, width > 1/3 width of inner perianth lobe
            7. Inflorescence dense; leaf ± thick, some oblong to elliptic; coastal
var. crassus
            7' Inflorescence ± open; leaf thin, linear to lanceolate; coastal or in mtns
var. salicifolius
          6' 3 tubercles obvious, ± equal, width < or > 1/3 width of inner-perianth lobe
            8. Tubercles ovate to nearly round, > 1/3 width of inner perianth lobe
var. transitorius
            8' Tubercles lanceolate, generally << 1/3 width of inner perianth lobe
              9. Some leaves oblong to elliptic; Great Basin Floristic Province — shores, ± salty lake beds
var. lacustris
              9' Leaves linear to lanceolate; especially Sierra Nevada
var. triangulivalvis
    3' Leaves basal and cauline (basal rosette often withered when fruit mature); stem ± erect, generally unbranched below inflorescence; native or alien (sect. Rumex)
      10. Tubercles 0 or inconspicuous — margin of inner perianth lobe entire
        11. Leaf blade fleshy, base tapered; inner perianth lobe 8–15 mm
R. hymenosepalus
        11' Leaf blade ± leathery, base truncate to cordate; inner perianth lobe 4–10 mm
R. occidentalis
      10' Tubercles 1 or 3 per flower, obvious
        12. Margin of inner perianth lobe entire
          13. Inner perianth lobe 2–3 mm, tubercle 1/3 width of lobe or wider; inflorescence open, interrupted
            14. Perennial; tubercle ± 1/2 width of perianth lobe; widespread, alien
R. conglomeratus
            14' Annual; tubercle ± 1/3 width of perianth lobe; generally Desert, native
2 R. violascens
          13' Inner perianth lobe 5–6 mm, tubercle << 1/3 width of lobe; inflorescence dense, continuous
            15. Tubercle ovate to round; abundant
R. crispus
            15' Tubercle ± lanceolate; uncommon
R. orbiculatus
        12' Margin of inner perianth lobe with 0.5–4 mm teeth
          16. Annual (sometimes biennial)
            17. Inner perianth lobe 4–5 mm, teeth ± 1.5 mm; inflorescence interrupted throughout; alien — uncommon
R. dentatus
            17' Inner perianth lobe 2–3.5 mm, teeth 0.5–4 mm; inflorescence dense, not interrupted near tip; native
              18. Widest inner perianth lobe narrowly ovate, teeth 2–4 mm, fine; inflorescence dense, leafy; widespread
R. maritimus
              18' Widest inner perianth lobes widely ovate or ± equilaterally triangular, teeth < 1 mm, or obscure; inflorescence ± open, nearly leafless; especially Desert
2 R. violascens
          16' Perennial
            19. Largest leaf 20–75 cm, blade lance-ovate, ± cordate; inner perianth lobe narrowly ovate-triangular
R. obtusifolius
            19' Largest leaf < 20 cm (if larger, blade narrowly lanceolate, tapered); inner perianth lobe widely ovate-triangular to round-cordate
              20. Inflorescence branches spreading; teeth of inner perianth lobe slender to base, longest ± 1.5 mm
R. pulcher
              20' Inflorescence branches ascending; teeth of inner perianth lobe coarse, wider at base, longest 0.5–1 mm
                21. Inner perianth lobe > 5 mm, round-cordate, longest teeth ± 0.5 mm, each much wider at base
R. kerneri
                21' Inner perianth lobe < 5 mm, ± triangular-cordate, longest teeth ± 1 mm, each somewhat wider at base
R. stenophyllus

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