| 1. Biennial or perennial herb (sometimes flowers 1st year); seeds lenticular and winged or fusiform and ribbed lengthwise |
| |
| 2. Seeds ± fusiform, 3-ribbed lengthwise, not winged |
| M. torreyi |
| 2' Seeds lenticular, winged |
| |
| 3. Petal-like staminodes 5 |
| |
| 4. Petal tips obtuse to rounded; sandy soils |
| M. multiflora subsp. longiloba |
| 4' Petal tips acute; gypsum-clay soils |
| M. pterosperma |
| 3' Petal-like staminodes 0 |
| |
| 5. Petals > 30 mm; fruit generally > 25 mm |
| M. laevicaulis |
| 5' Petals < 20 mm; fruit generally < 25 mm |
| |
| M. polita |
| 6' Leaves toothed or lobed |
| |
| M. inyoensis |
| M. oreophila |
| 1' Annual; seeds grain- or prism-like, or narrowed and folded near middle |
| |
| 8. Fruit > 4 mm diam; seeds narrowed and folded near middle, end beak-like, ashy white; filament tip generally wide and minutely 2-toothed |
| |
| 9. Petals 8, < 12 mm; filament tips acute, teeth 0 |
| M. reflexa |
| 9' Petals 5, generally > 15 mm; filament tips 2-toothed, anther generally on thread-like stalk between teeth |
| |
| 10. Flower bract white-scarious, margin green |
| M. involucrata |
| 10' Flower bract green ± throughout (except sometimes base) |
| |
| 11. Upper leaves and bracts ± cordate, clasping; fruit sessile, 1425 mm, erect |
| M. hirsutissima |
| 11' Upper leaves and bracts not clasping; fruit pedicelled, generally 915 mm, often reflexed |
| |
| 12. Anther stalk generally < teeth; seeds narrowed at middle; e Sonoran Desert |
| M. tricuspis |
| 12' Anther stalk generally > teeth; seeds narrowed above and below middle; c Mojave Desert |
| M. tridentata |
| 8' Fruit generally < 4 mm diam; seeds grain- or prism-like; filament tip ± thread-like (except M. micrantha), not toothed |
| |
| 13. Seeds 1-rowed above mid-ovary, prism-like, angles grooved |
| |
| 14. Outer 5 filaments widened to 2-forked tip |
| M. micrantha |
| 14' Outer filaments ± thread-like, tip not 2-forked |
| |
| 15. Basal leaves lobed; sepals 27 mm; petals 310 mm; style 37 mm |
| M. affinis |
| 15' Basal leaves entire or toothed; sepals 14 mm; petals 26 mm; style 13.5 mm |
| M. dispersa |
| 13' Seeds 23-rowed above mid-ovary, grain-like, angles rounded or sharp, not grooved |
| |
| 16. Flower bracts generally entire; axillary fruits often curved 90°+ |
| |
| 17. Petals generally > 8 mm |
| |
| 18. Seed not folded at 1 end, angles acute, surface pointed-papillate |
| M. jonesii |
| 18' Seed with flap-like fold at 1 end, angles rounded, surface rounded-papillate |
| |
| 19. Sepals > 8 mm; petals 1224 mm; style 715 mm |
| M. eremophila |
| 19' Sepals < 8 mm; petals 715 mm; style 48 mm |
| M. nitens |
| 17' Petals generally < 8 mm |
| |
| M. desertorum |
| 20' Seed surface papillate |
| |
| 21. Seed angles acute, surface pointed-papillate |
| M. albicaulis |
| 21' Seed angles rounded, surface rounded-papillate |
| M. obscura |
| 16' Flower bracts toothed or lobed; axillary fruits straight, erect <|,"742"> |
| |
| 22. Flower bracts green throughout, not whitish at base |
| |
| 23. Petals 822 mm, tip obtuse to notched |
| M. pectinata |
| 23' Petals > 20 mm, tip abruptly acuminate |
| |
| 24. Petals 817 mm wide; c&s Sierra Nevada Foothills |
| M. crocea |
| 24' Petals 1633 mm wide; San Joaquin Valley, e San Francisco Bay Area, n Inner South Coast Ranges |
| M. lindleyi |
| 22' Flower bracts whitish at base or ± white-scarious |
| |
| 25. Flower bracts wide, ± concealing flowers and fruits, mostly white-scarious; inflorescence dense |
| M. congesta |
| 25' Flowers bracts narrow, not concealing flowers and fruits, whitish below middle; inflorescence open to ± dense |
| |
| 26. Petals generally > 8 mm |
| M. gracilenta |
| 26' Petals generally < 8 mm |
| |
| 27. Styles 1.53 mm; cauline leaves generally entire (or 2-lobed at base) |
| M. montana |
| 27' Styles 36 mm; cauline leaves generally lobed |
| M. veatchiana