| 1. Glumes deciduous; spikelets falling as 1 unit, 12 per inflorescence branch (sect. Melica) |
| M. stricta |
| 1' Glumes persistent; spikelet axis breaking above glumes, spikelets > 2 per lower inflorescence branch (sect. Bromelica) |
| |
| 2. Lemma acuminate or awned; hairs (if any) near base |
| |
| 3. Awn 512 mm; lemma surface glabrous, margin often hairy near base |
| M. aristata |
| 3' Awn 04 mm; lemma surface hairy near base |
| |
| 4. Lemma obtuse to ± tapered, awn 14 mm, ciliate; corms 0 |
| M. harfordii |
| 4' Lemma strongly tapered, awn 0; corms present |
| M. subulata |
| 2' Lemma obtuse to acute, awn 0, hairs (if any) near tip |
| |
| 5. Fertile florets 12 in all spikelets |
| |
| 6. Sterile cluster at axis tip 0.54 mm, widest at middle or below; lemma glabrous or minutely scabrous |
| M. imperfecta |
| 6' Sterile cluster at axis tip 0.51.5 mm, truncate or widest above middle; lemma margin generally hairy |
| M. torreyana |
| 5' Fertile florets 37 in some or all spikelets |
| |
| 7. Stem 1060 cm; floret stalks swollen when fresh, ± wrinkled and yellow-brown when dry |
| M. fugax |
| 7' Stem 45200 cm; floret stalks not swollen nor wrinkled when dry |
| |
| 8. Palea 1/23/4 × lemma length; leaves 35 per stem, blades 39 cm |
| M. frutescens |
| 8' Palea ± 7/8 × lemma length; leaves 23 per stem, blades generally >> 9 cm |
| |
| 9. Sterile cluster at axis tip widest above middle, tip truncate |
| M. californica |
| 9' Sterile cluster at axis tip widest below middle, tip acute to acuminate |
| |
| 10. Both glumes ± 1/2 lowest floret length; corms connected to rhizome by short stalk |
| M. spectabilis |
| 10' 1 or both glumes ± 3/4 lowest floret length; corms sessile on rhizome (or rhizome 0) |
| |
| 11. Sheath of basal leaf remaining intact; inflorescence ± narrow, branches ± ascending |
| M. bulbosa |
| 11' Sheath of basal leaf becoming fibrous; inflorescence generally wide, branches spreading to reflexed |
| M. geyeri