The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California

  • Up-to-date information about California vascular plants is available from the Jepson eFlora.

Names are linked to treatments from the Manual

Key to MARAH

N.B.: couplets are linked, e.g., 1. is linked to 1'.

  1. Corolla rotate, yellowish green, cream-colored, or white; ovary and fruit ± round, prickles sparse to ± dense, ± stiff, unhooked
M. fabaceus
  1' Corolla ± cup-shaped, white; ovary and fruit sometimes not round, prickles sparse to dense, stiff or flexible, hooked or unhooked
    2. Staminate flowers generally < 8 mm wide; herbage glaucous; ovary and fruit ± round, prickles sparse to dense, flexible, generally hooked; seeds 1–4, round
M. watsonii
    2' Staminate flowers generally > 8 mm wide; herbage not glaucous; ovary and fruit ovate, oblong, or tapered to a beak, prickles generally dense, stiff or flexible, unhooked; seeds generally 3–24, disc-shaped, ovate, or oblong
      3. Mature fruit (and ovary) tapered to a beak, often striped dark green, prickles sparse to dense, flexible; seeds generally 3–6, disc-shaped, ± flat; Northwestern California, San Francisco Bay Area
M. oreganus
      3' Mature fruit and ovary oblong or ovate, generally not tapered to a beak, not striped green, prickles ± dense, stiff; seeds generally > 6, ovate or oblong, sometimes flat at 1 end; Sierra Nevada Foothills, Southwestern California, Desert
        4. Corolla deeply cup-shaped; seeds very flat at 1 end; c&s Sierra Nevada Foothills, Tehachapi Mountain Area
M. horridus
        4' Corolla shallowly cup-shaped; seeds not very flat at either end; Southwestern California, Sonoran Desert
M. macrocarpus
          5. Staminate flowers 8–13 mm wide; seeds 15–20 mm; mainland
var. macrocarpus
          5' Staminate flowers 14–30 mm wide; seeds 20–33 mm; Channel Islands
var. major

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