| |
| 2. Flower-stems ± hairy or glandular |
| M. canescens var. shastensis |
| 2' Flower-stems glabrous, glaucous |
| M. carnosa |
| |
| |
| M. gracilis |
| |
| 5. Bracts of upper peduncles overlapping, grading into phyllaries; stems nearly leafless above base |
| M. juncea |
| 5' Bracts of upper peduncles few, well separated, not grading into phyllaries; stems generally leafy, at least in lower half |
| M. pinnatifida var. gooddingii |
| 3' Ray corollas white to purple |
| |
| 6. Ray achenes without pappus |
| M. arida |
| 6' Ray achenes with pappus |
| |
| 7. Leaves 12-pinnately dissected |
| M. tanacetifolia |
| 7' Leaves entire or toothed |
| |
| 8. Phyllary tips narrowly awl-shaped, generally hairy throughout |
| M. asteroides |
| 9. Involucre hemispheric; phyllary tips 36 mm; leaves of mid-stem minutely serrate |
| var. asteroides |
| 9' Involucre obconic; phyllary tips 13 mm; leaves of mid-stem entire or nearly so |
| var. lagunensis |
| 8' Phyllary tips acute to awl-shaped, generally ± glandular |
| M. canescens |
| 10. Heads generally 1420 mm; subshrub or long-lived perennial herb; eastern Peninsular Ranges (Santa Rosa Mtns) |
| var. ziegleri |
| 10' Heads generally 612 mm; annual to short-lived perennial herb; widespread |
| |
| 11. Stems glandular, but not canescent-puberulent |
| var. leucanthemifolia |
| 11' Stems either canescent-puberulent throughout, without glandular hairs, or stems canescent and glandular |
| |
| 12. Stems stiffly erect, < 60 cm; branches many, stiff, spreading; heads many |
| var. incana |
| 12' Stems various, generally smaller; branches generally fewer, more flexible; heads fewmany |
| |
| 13. Ray flowers with styles, fertile, well developed; involucre generally 812 mm; phyllaries generally in 510 series |
| var. canescens |
| 13' Ray flowers without styles, sterile, often ± reduced; involucre 69 mm; phyllaries generally in 35 series |
| var. shastensis