The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California

  • Up-to-date information about California vascular plants is available from the Jepson eFlora.

Names are linked to treatments from the Manual


N.B.: couplets are linked, e.g., 1. is linked to 1'.

  1. Racemes axillary, generally opposite; herbage generally glabrous (except V. chamaedrys); perennial herb
    2. Leaves petioled
      3. Leaf lanceolate to ± ovate, obtuse to acute; pedicel 5–10 mm; widespread
V. americana
      3' Leaf obovate, rounded; pedicel 3–6 mm; East of Sierra Nevada (near Bridgeport, Mono Co.)
V. beccabunga
    2' Leaves sessile (lower rarely short-petioled)
      4. Racemes alternate; leaf linear-lanceolate (length generally >> 5 × width); fruit deeply notched
V. scutellata
      4' Racemes opposite; leaf lanceolate to ovate (length < 5 × width); fruit entire or slightly notched
        5. Leaf lanceolate (length 3–5 × width); corolla 3–5 mm, pink; fruit notched 0.1–0.3 mm
V. catenata
        5' Leaf elliptic to ovate (length 1.5–3 × width); corolla 5–10 mm, lavender to blue; fruit rounded to obcordate
          6. Plant glabrous; leaf ± entire; fruit rounded, notched < 0.1 mm; corolla pale lavender, violet-lined
V. anagallis-aquatica
          6' Plant hairy; leaf crenate to dentate; fruit obcordate; corolla bright blue with white center
V. chamaedrys
  1' Most racemes terminal, or flowers solitary in axils; herbage generally hairy; annual or perennial herb
    7. Rhizomed perennial herb
      8. Flowers solitary in axils — mat-forming in lawns, San Francisco Bay Area
V. filiformis
      8' Flowers in ± distinct racemes
        9. Style 6–9 mm, > fruit; corolla 8–13 mm
          10. Leaf hairy; corolla 8–10 mm, pale blue to lavender-rose; Klamath Ranges
V. copelandii
          10' Leaf generally glabrous; corolla 10–13 mm, deep blue; Cascade Range, High Sierra Nevada
V. cusickii
        9' Style 0.8–3 mm, generally < fruit; corolla 6–10 mm
          11. Style 2–3 mm, fruit generally < calyx, wider than long, stem decumbent
V. serpyllifolia subsp. humifusa
          11' Style 0.8–1.3 mm, fruit > calyx, longer than wide, stem erect nearly from base
V. wormskjoldii
    7' Fibrous- or tap-rooted annual
      12. Pedicel 0.5–2 mm, < calyx; seeds many, flat, smooth
        13. Leaf triangular to ovate, crenate to serrate; sepals unequal (outer pair longer); corolla blue to violet
V. arvensis
        13' Leaf oblong to spoon-shaped, entire to slightly serrate; sepals ± equal; corolla whitish
V. peregrina subsp. xalapensis
      12' Pedicel 4–30 mm, generally > calyx; seeds 1–12 per chamber, cup-shaped, outer surface rough
        14. Pedicel 15–30 mm; leaf crenate to serrate; style 2–3 mm; fruit lobes spreading
V. persica
        14' Pedicel 4–15 mm; leaf palmately 3–9 lobed; style 0.6–1.6 mm; fruit lobes ± parallel (or fruit ± spheric)
          15. Stems prostrate; flowers solitary in axils; fruit ± spheric, barely notched; seeds 1–2 per chamber; style 0.6–0.9 mm
V. hederifolia
          15' Stems ± erect; inflorescence a terminal raceme; fruit obcordate; seeds 6–12 per chamber; style 1.2–1.6 mm
V. triphyllos

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