The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California

  • Up-to-date information about California vascular plants is available from the Jepson eFlora.

Names are linked to treatments from the Manual


N.B.: couplets are linked, e.g., 1. is linked to 1'.

  1. Upper cauline leaves clasping or surrounding stem
    2. Upper cauline leaves surrounding stem, ovate to round; basal leaves 2–3-pinnately lobed or -divided; pedicel in fruit glabrous; petals yellowish; seed winged
L. perfoliatum
    2' Upper cauline leaves clasping stem, linear to oblong; basal leaves rarely lobed; pedicel in fruit hairy; petals white; seed wing 0
      3. Annual, biennial; stem generally 1; fruit with scale- or sac-like hairs; style 0.2–0.6 mm, < to ± > notch; anthers yellow
L. campestre
      3' Perennial; stems several; fruit with 0 or few scale- or sac-like hairs; style ± 1 mm, generally > notch; anthers purple
L. heterophyllum
  1' Upper cauline leaves not clasping, not surrounding stem
    4. Stigma generally exceeding fruit (except in L. pinnatifidum); fruit tip notched to not
      5. Stem prostrate to ascending; fruit valves with prominent, ascending-spreading tips; style < to > 1/2 fruit; petals yellow
L. flavum
        6. Fruit 3–4.5 mm, 3–3.5 mm wide; style < 1/2 fruit
var. felipense
        6' Fruit 2–3 mm, 1.5–2.2 mm wide; style > 1/2 fruit
var. flavum
      5' Stem generally erect, outer decumbent or not; fruit valves without prominent tips; style < 1/2 fruit; petals white, rarely pale cream-colored (yellow fading whitish in L. jaredii)
        7. Plants rhizomed, individuals often in contact, in colonies; basal leaves < 3 dm, toothed
L. latifolium
        7' Plants not rhizomed, individuals not in contact, not in colonies; basal leaves generally < 1 dm, generally lobed or compound
          8. Style ± = fruit tip notch, < 0.2 mm — fruit widely elliptic to round, ± 2 mm, hairs sparse, weak, simple; alien
L. pinnatifidum
          8' Style > fruit tip notch (or notch 0), > 0.3 mm
            9. Annual; petals yellow, fading whitish; lower pedicels 4–5 × fruit
L. jaredii
            9' Perennial, rarely biennial or annual; petals white, rarely pale cream-colored; lower pedicels generally 3 × fruit
              10. Plant glabrous, grayish, ± woody; fruit obovate to round
L. fremontii
                11. Fruit widely ovate to ± round or obovate, stalk above receptacle ± 0
var. fremontii
                11' Fruit widely obovate to ± round, stalk above receptacle ± 1 mm
var. stipitatum
              10' Plant with at least some hairs, not grayish, base rarely woody; fruit elliptic to round
                12. Stem hairs a mixture of long, flat and short, club-shaped; upper cauline leaves generally pinnately lobed; winter annual, biennial
L. thurberi
                12' Stem hairs all long, flat or short, club-shaped or scale-like, rarely ± 0; upper cauline leaves generally entire; biennial to perennial herb
L. montanum
                  13. Hairs of stems, pedicels linear, long (several–many × longer than wide)
var. canescens
                  13' Hairs of stems, pedicels oblong, club-shaped, or scale-like, short (generally not > 2 × longer than wide), or ± 0
                    14. Hairs of stems, pedicels ± dense, oblong; perennial herb, rarely biennial
var. cinereum
                    14' Hairs of stems, pedicels sparse to ± dense, club-shaped or scale-like, or ± 0; perennial herb, ± woody at base or not
var. montanum
    4' Stigma exceeded by fruit; fruit tip notched
      15. Pedicel in fruit very flat, > (2)3 × wider than thick, generally = or < fruit
        16. Fruit tip notch deep, generally very narrow, > 1/3 seed pouch; fruit valves persistent; raceme in fruit 1–1.5 cm wide, < or > basal leaves, or basal leaves 0 or shed early
L. latipes
          17. Stem branched above base, nodes spaced; raceme in fruit > basal leaves; basal leaves 0 or shed early
var. heckardii
          17' Stem branched at or near base, nodes not spaced; raceme in fruit generally < basal leaves; basal leaves generally present
var. latipes
        16' Fruit tip notch shallow, often wide, generally < 1/5 × seed pouch; fruit valves readily shed; raceme in fruit generally < 1 cm wide, generally > basal leaves
          18. Leaf oblanceolate to oblong, toothed or with obovate to oblong lobes; fruit margin not upturned
L. lasiocarpum var. lasiocarpum
          18' Leaf linear or with linear lobes; fruit margin upturned or not
            19. Fruit hairs ± throughout, rarely 0; pedicel suberect to ascending, rarely ± reflexed
L. dictyotum
              20. Fruit valve tips > 1 mm, acuminate, ± ascending, winged; fruit tip notch U- or V-shaped
var. acutidens
              20' Fruit valve tips < 1 mm, rounded to acute, erect, unwinged; fruit tip notch ± closed or narrowly U- or V-shaped
var. dictyotum
            19' Fruit hairs 0, rarely few, marginal; pedicel ± recurved to ± ascending
L. nitidum
              21. Fruit valve tips ascending, ± beak-like
var. oreganum
              21' Fruit valve tips erect or ± ascending, not beak-like
                22. Fruit generally fringed with hairs; stem hairs dense
var. howellii
                22' Fruit glabrous; stem hairs 0 to ± dense
var. nitidum
      15' Pedicel in fruit cylindric to flat, generally < or ± 2 × wider than thick, = or > fruit (< fruit in L. strictum)
        23. Leaf linear or with linear segments; fruit valve tips generally acute, notch generally ± 90–160° — ephemeral annual
L. oxycarpum
        23' Leaf sometimes narrow but not linear, generally without linear segments; fruit valve tips generally rounded, notch < 45° (± 90° in L. strictum)
          24. Leaves lobed or divided below, generally above; stem generally prostrate to ascending, branched, 0.5–2(3) dm
            25. Fruit ± ovate, veins prominent, valve tips ascending, generally winged
L. strictum
            25' Fruit ± elliptic, round, or obovate, veins 0 or obscure, valve tips erect, unwinged
L. oblongum
              26. Fruit round to obovate, hairy on margin; pedicel hairs generally on both sides
var. insulare
              26' Fruit ± elliptic to obovate-elliptic, hairs 0 on margin; pedicel hairs 0 or on upper surface
var. oblongum
          24' Leaves entire to lobed below, entire to toothed, rarely ± lobed or dissected above; stem erect, branched or not, generally > 2 dm
            27. Petals = to 2(3) × sepals; fruit hairs 0
L. virginicum
              28. Pedicel ± cylindric, hairs sparse to ± dense; embryonic root at edges of both cotyledons
var. virginicum
              28' Pedicel ± flat, generally ± winged, hairs 0 to ± dense; embryonic root at back of 1 cotyledon
                29. Inflorescence and upper stem glabrous
var. medium
                29' Inflorescence and upper stem hairy
                  30. Cauline leaves not divided, not lobed, entire to shallowly dissected; stem 2–7 dm
var. pubescens
                  30' Cauline leaves divided or lobed; stem generally 1–2 dm
var. robinsonii
            27' Petals < sepals, vestigial, or 0; fruit hairs 0 or minute
              31. Seed not margined; fruit valve tips ± acute; axillary racemes in fruit many
L. ramosissimum var. bourgeauanum
              31' Seed generally margined or winged; fruit valve tips rounded; axillary racemes in fruit 0
L. densiflorum
                32. Fruit ± 2.5 mm, glabrous; pedicels very slightly flat, > 9 per cm
var. densiflorum
                32' Fruit ± = or > 3 mm, hairy at least on margin or glabrous; pedicels flat at least on 1 side, < 9 per cm
                  33. Pedicel flat on upper, lower sides, ± 2 × wider than thick; fruit glabrous
var. ramosum
                  33' Pedicel flat generally on lower side, < ± 2 × wider than thick; fruit hairy at least on margin or glabrous
                    34. Fruit glabrous
var. macrocarpum
                    34' Fruit hairy at least on margin
                      35. Fruit hairy on margin
var. elongatum
                      35' Fruit hairy ± throughout
var. pubicarpum

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