Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

Results from INA database

    Aeodes nitidissimaJ. Agardh Sp. alg. 3{1}: 680 1876
    Alaria grandifoliaJ. Agardh K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., [ser. 4] 10{8}: 26, no fig. 1872
    Alsidium corallinumC. Agardh Flora 10: 639 1827
    Bangia luteaJ. Agardh Alg. medit.: 14 1842
    Batophora oerstedii ('oerstedi')J. Agardh Öfvers. K. [Svenska] Vet.-Akad. Förh. 11: 108 1854
    Bryopsis duchassaingiiJ. Agardh Öfvers. K. [Svenska] Vet.-Akad. Förh. 11: 107 1854
    Bryopsis secundaJ. Agardh Linnaea 15: 454 1841
    Bryopsis vestitaJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. Årsskr. 14, Afd. Math. och Naturv. 4: 3, no fig. 1878
    Callithamnion acrospermumJ. Agardh Sp. Alg. 2: 52 1851
    Callithamnion caudatumJ. Agardh Linnaea 15: 46 1841
    Callithamnion scopariumJ.D. Hooker & Harvey Lond. J. Botany 4: 273 1845
    Callithamnion scopulorumC. Agardh Sp. alg. 2: 166 1828
    Callithamnion semipennatumJ. Agardh Alg. medit.: 72 1842
    Callophyllis centrifugaJ. Agardh Sp. alg. 3{1}: 688 1876
    Callophyllis decumbensJ. Agardh Sp. alg. 3{1}: 688 1876
    Campylaephora hypnaeoidesJ. Agardh Sp. Alg. 2: 151 1851
    Caulerpa juniperoidesJ. Agardh Alg. Syst. 9{8}: 26 1873
    Ceramium arborescensJ. Agardh Anal. Cont. II: 33 1894
    Ceramium cancellatumC. Agardh Syst.: 136 1824
    Ceramium corymbosumJ. Agardh Sp. alg. 3{1}: 93 1876
    Ceramium crouanianumJ. Agardh Anal. Cont. II: 25 1894
    Ceramium echionotumJ. Agardh Syst. alg. advers.: 27, no fig. 1844
    Chara contrariaA. Braun ex Kützing Phyc. germ.: 258 1845
    Chordaria linearis(J.D. Hooker & Harvey) A.D. Cotton J. Linn. Soc. London. Botany 43: 169 1915
    Cryptonemia chiangiiC. Acleto Bol. Soc. Peruana Bot. 6: 35, figs. 108-114 1973
    Dichotomosiphon tuberosus(A. Braun) A. Ernst Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 13: 141 1902
    Gelidium howeiC. Acleto Bol. Soc. Peruana Bot. 6: 27, figs. 73, 74, 78-82 1973
    Gracilaria parvisporaI.A. Abbott in Abbott & Norris (ed.), Taxonomy of economic seaweeds with reference to some Pacific and Caribbean species: 119, fig. 1 1985
    Herposiphonia rigida var. laxaSetchell & N.L. Gardner Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. IV 19: 164 1930
    Hideophyllum yezoense(Yamada & Tokida) A.D. Zinova Nov. Sist. Nizsh. Rast. [Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR] 18: 15 1981
    Hyalotheca dissiliensBrébisson ex Ralfs Brit. Desmid.: 51, pl. I: fig. 1 1848
    Leptophytum coulmanicum(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 30 1970
    Liagora kahukuanaI.A. Abbott Occas. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 18: 148, fig. 2 1945
    Naccaria wiggii ('Wigghii')(Turner) Endlicher ex J. Agardh Alg. Medit.: 87 1842
    Nitella congesta(R. Brown) A. Braun ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 516 1849
    Nitella lhotzkyi(A. Braun) A. Braun ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 516 1849
    Opuntiella ornata(Postels & Ruprecht) A. Zinova Nov. Sist. Nizsh. Rast. [Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR] 9: 83 1972
    Peleophycus multiprocarpius ('multiprocarpium')I.A. Abbott Pacific Science 38: 327, figs. 1-10 1985
    Peyssonnelia armorica(P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Weber-van Bosse in Børgesen, Dansk Bot. Ark. 3: 136 1916
    Phyllymenia papenfussiiC. Acleto Bol. Soc. Peruana Bot. 6: 44, figs. 139, 141-149 1973
    Phymatolithon calcareum(Pallas) Adey & McKibbin Botanica Marina 13: 100 1970
    Pteroceras cancellatumKützing Sp. alg.: 690 1849
    Reticulocaulis mucosissimusI.A. Abbott J. Phycol. 21: 555, figs. 1-6, 8-10 1985
    Schimmelmannia dawsoniiC. Acleto Phycologia 11: 8, figs. 1-12 1972
    Scytothamnus fasciculatus(J.D. Hooker & Harvey) A.D. Cotton J. Linn. Soc. London. Botany 43: 170 1915
    Stypopodium hawaiiense ('hawaiiensis')(Doty & Newhouse) I.A. Abbott Bull. Jap. Soc. Phycol. 25(suppl.): 6 1977
    Trichogloeopsis pedicellata(Howe) I.A. Abbott & Doty Amer. J. Botany 47: 638 1960
    VERALUCIAD.R. Reynolds & P.H. Dunn Mycologia 74: 855 1982
    Veralucia brasiliensisD.R. Reynolds & P.H. Dunn Mycologia 74: 856, figs. 1-4 1982