The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
Name | Author | Source | Citation | Year |
Aeodes nitidissima | J. Agardh | Sp. alg. | 3{1}: 680 | 1876 |
Alaria grandifolia | J. Agardh | K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., [ser. 4] | 10{8}: 26, no fig. | 1872 |
Alsidium corallinum | C. Agardh | Flora | 10: 639 | 1827 |
Bangia lutea | J. Agardh | Alg. medit.: | 14 | 1842 |
Batophora oerstedii ('oerstedi') | J. Agardh | Öfvers. K. [Svenska] Vet.-Akad. Förh. | 11: 108 | 1854 |
Bryopsis duchassaingii | J. Agardh | Öfvers. K. [Svenska] Vet.-Akad. Förh. | 11: 107 | 1854 |
Bryopsis secunda | J. Agardh | Linnaea | 15: 454 | 1841 |
Bryopsis vestita | J. Agardh | Lunds Univ. Årsskr. 14, Afd. Math. och Naturv. | 4: 3, no fig. | 1878 |
Callithamnion acrospermum | J. Agardh | Sp. Alg. | 2: 52 | 1851 |
Callithamnion caudatum | J. Agardh | Linnaea | 15: 46 | 1841 |
Callithamnion scoparium | J.D. Hooker & Harvey | Lond. J. Botany | 4: 273 | 1845 |
Callithamnion scopulorum | C. Agardh | Sp. alg. | 2: 166 | 1828 |
Callithamnion semipennatum | J. Agardh | Alg. medit.: | 72 | 1842 |
Callophyllis centrifuga | J. Agardh | Sp. alg. | 3{1}: 688 | 1876 |
Callophyllis decumbens | J. Agardh | Sp. alg. | 3{1}: 688 | 1876 |
Campylaephora hypnaeoides | J. Agardh | Sp. Alg. | 2: 151 | 1851 |
Caulerpa juniperoides | J. Agardh | Alg. Syst. | 9{8}: 26 | 1873 |
Ceramium arborescens | J. Agardh | Anal. Cont. | II: 33 | 1894 |
Ceramium cancellatum | C. Agardh | Syst.: | 136 | 1824 |
Ceramium corymbosum | J. Agardh | Sp. alg. | 3{1}: 93 | 1876 |
Ceramium crouanianum | J. Agardh | Anal. Cont. | II: 25 | 1894 |
Ceramium echionotum | J. Agardh | Syst. alg. advers.: | 27, no fig. | 1844 |
Chara contraria | A. Braun ex Kützing | Phyc. germ.: | 258 | 1845 |
Chordaria linearis | (J.D. Hooker & Harvey) A.D. Cotton | J. Linn. Soc. London. Botany | 43: 169 | 1915 |
Cryptonemia chiangii | C. Acleto | Bol. Soc. Peruana Bot. | 6: 35, figs. 108-114 | 1973 |
Dichotomosiphon tuberosus | (A. Braun) A. Ernst | Beih. Bot. Centralbl. | 13: 141 | 1902 |
Gelidium howei | C. Acleto | Bol. Soc. Peruana Bot. | 6: 27, figs. 73, 74, 78-82 | 1973 |
Gracilaria parvispora | I.A. Abbott in Abbott & Norris (ed.), | Taxonomy of economic seaweeds with reference to some Pacific and Caribbean species: | 119, fig. 1 | 1985 |
Herposiphonia rigida var. laxa | Setchell & N.L. Gardner | Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. IV | 19: 164 | 1930 |
Hideophyllum yezoense | (Yamada & Tokida) A.D. Zinova | Nov. Sist. Nizsh. Rast. [Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR] | 18: 15 | 1981 |
Hyalotheca dissiliens | Brébisson ex Ralfs | Brit. Desmid.: | 51, pl. I: fig. 1 | 1848 |
Leptophytum coulmanicum | (Foslie) Adey | K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. | 1970{1}: 30 | 1970 |
Liagora kahukuana | I.A. Abbott | Occas. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. | 18: 148, fig. 2 | 1945 |
Naccaria wiggii ('Wigghii') | (Turner) Endlicher ex J. Agardh | Alg. Medit.: | 87 | 1842 |
Nitella congesta | (R. Brown) A. Braun ex Kützing | Sp. alg.: | 516 | 1849 |
Nitella lhotzkyi | (A. Braun) A. Braun ex Kützing | Sp. alg.: | 516 | 1849 |
Opuntiella ornata | (Postels & Ruprecht) A. Zinova | Nov. Sist. Nizsh. Rast. [Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR] | 9: 83 | 1972 |
Peleophycus multiprocarpius ('multiprocarpium') | I.A. Abbott | Pacific Science | 38: 327, figs. 1-10 | 1985 |
Peyssonnelia armorica | (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Weber-van Bosse in Børgesen, | Dansk Bot. Ark. | 3: 136 | 1916 |
Phyllymenia papenfussii | C. Acleto | Bol. Soc. Peruana Bot. | 6: 44, figs. 139, 141-149 | 1973 |
Phymatolithon calcareum | (Pallas) Adey & McKibbin | Botanica Marina | 13: 100 | 1970 |
Pteroceras cancellatum | Kützing | Sp. alg.: | 690 | 1849 |
Reticulocaulis mucosissimus | I.A. Abbott | J. Phycol. | 21: 555, figs. 1-6, 8-10 | 1985 |
Schimmelmannia dawsonii | C. Acleto | Phycologia | 11: 8, figs. 1-12 | 1972 |
Scytothamnus fasciculatus | (J.D. Hooker & Harvey) A.D. Cotton | J. Linn. Soc. London. Botany | 43: 170 | 1915 |
Stypopodium hawaiiense ('hawaiiensis') | (Doty & Newhouse) I.A. Abbott | Bull. Jap. Soc. Phycol. | 25(suppl.): 6 | 1977 |
Trichogloeopsis pedicellata | (Howe) I.A. Abbott & Doty | Amer. J. Botany | 47: 638 | 1960 |
VERALUCIA | D.R. Reynolds & P.H. Dunn | Mycologia | 74: 855 | 1982 |
Veralucia brasiliensis | D.R. Reynolds & P.H. Dunn | Mycologia | 74: 856, figs. 1-4 | 1982 |