Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

Results from INA database

    Achnanthes centrafricanaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 61, pl. II: fig. 25 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Actinella eunotioides var. minorFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 61, pl. II: fig. 24 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Actinella robustaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 61, pl. II: fig. 28 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Actinella undulataFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 61, pl. II: fig. 27 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Caloneis constrictaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 61, pl. II: fig. 30 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Cosmarium luetzelburgiiKurt Förster & Eckert in Förster Hydrobiologia 23: 395, pl. 23: fig. 2; pl. 42: fig. 17 1964
    Cymbella centrafricanaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 64, pl. III: fig. 51 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Cymbella hybrida var. punctataFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 64, pl. II: fig. 22 1966
    Cymbella naviculoides var. paucistriataFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 64, pl. I: fig. 17 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Eunotia dissimilis f. impressaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 61, pl. I: fig. 8 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Eunotia divergensFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 61, pl. I: fig. 11 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Eunotia lacustrisFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 61, pl. II: fig. 22 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Eunotia longiformisFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 61, pl. II: fig. 20 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Eunotia papillo var. africanaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 61, pl. I: fig. 5 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Eunotia polyglyphis var. minorFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 62, pl. I: fig. 10b (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Eunotia praerupta var. binodisFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 62, pl. I: fig. 7 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Eunotia subrabenhorstiiFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 62, pl. II: fig. 21 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Eunotia variansFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 62, pl. II: fig. 19 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Navicula centrafricanaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 62, pl. II: fig. 33 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Navicula centrafricana var. elongataFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 63, pl. II: fig. 34 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Navicula mabokianaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 63, pl. II: fig. 36 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Navicula pseudosubtilisFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 63, pl. III: fig. 42 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Navicula pusilla var. africanaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 63, pl. I: fig. 14 1966
    Navicula safanaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 63, pl. II: fig. 16 1966
    Navicula submuticaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 63, pl. III: fig. 38 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Navicula submutica var. capitataFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 63, pl. III: fig. 41 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Navicula submutica var. ellipticaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 63, pl. III: fig. 40 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Navicula submutica var. rectangularisFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 63, pl. III: fig. 39 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Neidium quadripunctata ('quadripunctata')Fusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 62, pl. II: fig. 32 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Pinnularia centrafricanaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 63, pl. I: fig. 15 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964); pl. II: figs. 19-21 1966
    Pinnularia divergentissima f. robustaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 63, pl. I: fig. 12 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Pinnularia divergentissima var. inflataFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 63, pl. III: fig. 47 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Pinnularia fredericiae ('frederica')Fusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 64, pl. III: fig. 46 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Pinnularia graciloides var. brevistriataFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 64, pl. II: fig. 17 (in table as var. brevicostata) 1966
    Pinnularia intermedia var. elongataFusey Cahiers Maboke 2: 30, pl. 3, fig. 48 1964
    Pinnularia kaouanaFusey Cahiers Maboke 4: 64, pl. I: fig. 16 (in Fusey, Cahiers Maboke 2. 1964) 1966
    Triceratium orbiculatum var. elongatum(Grunow) Grunow Month. Micr. J. 18: 183, legend pl. CXCVI: fig. 2 on p. 186 1877