The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
Name | Author | Source | Citation | Year |
Acrochaetium eastwoodiae ('Eastwoodae') | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Papenfuss | Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. | 18: 306 | 1945 |
Audouinella seriaspora | (E.Y. Dawson) Garbary | Biblioth. Phyc. | 77: 170 | 1987 |
Ceramium horridulum | P.C. Silva | Taxon | 21: 204 | 1972 |
Chromastrum seriasporum | (E.Y. Dawson) H. Stegenga & Mulder | Acta Bot. Neerl. | 28: 305 | 1979 |
Corallina vancouveriensis var. lycopodioides | (W.R. Taylor) E.Y. Dawson | Allan Hancock Pacific. Exped. | 17: 129 | 1953 |
Cystophora brandegeei | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) E.Y. Dawson | Rev. Soc. Mex. Hist. Nat. | 13: 119 | 1953 |
Dermocarpa clavata | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Geitler | Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., 2.Aufl., | 14: 1173 [legend to fig. 779] | 1932 |
Dermocarpella clavata | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) P.H. Hô | Rong bien Vietnam: | 16 | 1969 |
Dilophus crenulatus | (J. Agardh) Nizamuddin & Gerloff | Nova Hedwigia | 31: 867 | 1980 |
Gracilaria tepocensis | (E.Y. Dawson) E.Y. Dawson | Pac. Nat. | 2: 211 | 1961 |
Gymnogongrus gigartinoides | (J. Agardh) Kützing | Sp. algarum: | 789 | 1849 |
Haliptilon gracile var. verticillatum ('verticillata') | (E.Y. Dawson) Garbary & Johansen | J. Phycol. | 18: 218 | 1982 |
Haliptilon janioides | (E.Y. Dawson) Garbary & Johansen | J. Phycol. | 18: 218 | 1982 |
Hypnophycus pannosus | (J. Agardh) Kuntze | Rev. Gen. Pl. | 2: 900 | 1891 |
Nematoradaisia laminariae | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Geitler | Beih. Bot. Centralbl. | 41, Abt. II: 242 | 1925 |
Neoagardhiella coulteri | (Harvey) P.C. Silva | Proc. Eighth Int. Seaweed Symp. [Bangor 1974]: | 487 | 1981 |
Neurocarpus zonarioides | (Farlow) Howe | Mem. Torr. Bot. Club | 15: 71 | 1914 |
Nienburgia borealis | (Kylin) Kylin | K. Fysiogr. Sällsk. Lund Förh. | 5{23}: 1 | 1935 |
Oscillatoria pseudoplatensis | Bourrelly | Alg. Eau Douce | 3: 434, footnote | 1970 |
Palmaria palmata f. mollis | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Guiry | Syesis | 8: 258 | 1976 |
Peyssonnelia hancockii | (E.Y. Dawson) Denizot | Alg. Florid. Encrout.: | 135, 310 | 1968 |
Phormidium anabaenoides | Drouet | Madroño | 16: 108 | 1961 |
Phrix gregaria ('gregarium') | (E.Y. Dawson) J.G. Stewart | Phycologia | 13: 147 | 1974 |
Phycodendrum sinclairii | (Harvey ex J. Hooker & Harvey) Kuntze | Rev. Gen. Pl. | 3{3}: 420 | 1898 |
Platythalia brandegeei | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Womersley | Austral. J. Bot. | 12: 104 | 1964 |
Platythamnion reversum | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Kylin | Lunds Univ. Årsskr. N.F. Avd. 2, | 21{9}: 54 | 1925 |
Plocamium asplenioides | (Esper) Lamouroux | Essai: | 50 (Ann. Mus. 20: 138) | 1813 |
Plumaria asplenioides | (Esper) Ruprecht | Alg. Ochot.: | 143 [Tange Ochotsk. Meer.: 335] | 1850 |
Plumaria californica | (Ruprecht ex Harvey) Kuntze | Rev. Gen. Pl.: | 2: 911 | 1891 |
Plumaria hypnoides ('hypnodes') | (Harvey) Kuntze | Rev. Gen. Pl.: | 2: 911 | 1891 |
Plumaria tenuis | (Kylin) Doty | Farlowia | 3: 188 | 1947 |
Polyporolithon parcum | (Setchell & Foslie) L.R. Mason | Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. | 26: 318 | 1953 |
Pringsheimiella marchantiae ('Marchantae') | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) O.C. Schmidt & Petrak | Hedwigia | 74: 29 | 1934 |
Prionitis abbreviata var. guaymasensis | (E.Y. Dawson) E.Y. Dawson | Los Angeles County Mus. Contrib. Sci. | 27: 25 | 1959 |
Psammophyllum californicum | (J. Agardh) P.C. Silva & R.L. Moe in Silva apud T.J. Conomos (ed.), | San Francisco Bay: the urbanized estuary: | 330 | 1979 |
Pseudolithophyllum grumosum | (Foslie) Me. Lemoine | Bull. Soc. Sci. Mat. Maroc | 4: 122, footnote | 1924 |
Pterochondria pygmaea | (Setchell) Hollenberg | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club | 69: 533 | 1942 |
Pterocladia pyramidalis ('pyramidale') | (N.L. Gardner) E.Y. Dawson | Madroño | 8: 93 | 1945 |
Pterosiphonia bipinnata var. robusta | (N.L. Gardner) M.S. Doty | Farlowia | 3: 198 | 1947 |
Pterosiphonia plumula | (J. Agardh) Collins in Collins, Holden, & Setchell | Phyc. Bor.-Amer.: | 1798 [erratum label] | 1912 |
Pterosiphonia pygmaea | (Setchell) Kylin | Lunds Univ. Årsskr. N.F. Avd. 2, | 37{2}: 38 | 1941 |
Pterosiphonia woodii | (Harvey) Falkenberg | Rhodomel. Neapel: | 274 | 1901 |
Pterota asplenioides | (Esper) Cramer | Neue Denkschr. Schweiz. Ges. Naturw. | 20{Art. 5}: 46, 113 | 1863 |
Pterota californica | (Ruprecht ex Harvey) Cramer | Neue Denkschr. Schweiz. Ges. Naturw. | 20{Art. 5}: 49, 114 | 1863 |
Pterothamnion plumula | (J. Agardh) Collins in Collins, Holden, & Setchell | Phyc. Bor.-Amer.: | 1798 | 1911 |
Radaisiella subimmersa | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Geitler | Beih. Bot. Centralbl. | 41, Abt. II: 242 | 1925 |
Rhabdonia coulteri | (Harvey) Harvey | Ner. bor.-amer. | 2: 154 | 1853 |
Rhodocallis asplenioides | (Esper) Kützing | Bot. Zeit. | 5: 36 | 1847 |
Rhodochorton dictyotae | (F.S. Collins) K.M. Drew | Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. | 14: 190 | 1928 |
Rhodochorton pacificum | (Kylin) K.M. Drew | Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. | 14: 169 | 1928 |
Rhodochorton tenuissimum | (Collins) K.M. Drew | Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. | 14: 170 | 1928 |
Rhodoglossum affine | (Harvey) Kylin | Lunds Univ. Årsskr. N.F. Avd. 2, | 24{4}: 49 | 1928 |
Rhodoglossum roseum | (Kylin) G.M. Smith | Amer. J. Bot. | 30: 216 | 1943 |
Rhodymenia gardneri | (Setchell) Kylin | Lunds Univ. Årsskr. N.F. Avd. 2, | 21{9}: 41 | 1925 |
Ricardia saccata | (J. Agardh) Kylin | Lunds Univ. Årsskr. N.F. Avd. 2, | 24{4}: 94 | 1928 |
Sarcophyllis pygmaea | (Setchell) Setchell in Setchell & Gardner, | Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. | 1: 355 | 1903 |
Scagelia corallina var. occidentalis ('occidentale') | (Kylin) Hansen & Scagel | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club | 108: 211 | 1981 |
Schizomeris constricta | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Beger & Knebel in Knebel | Hedwigia | 75Z: 54 | 1935 |
Sorella divaricata | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) G.J. Hollenberg | Amer. J. Bot. | 30: 578 | 1943 |
Spongomorpha coalita | (Ruprecht) Collins | Tufts Coll. Stud. (Sci.) | 2: 361 | 1909 |
Stolonophora brandegeei | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Nizamuddin | Phycologia | 8: 3 | 1969 |
Tayloriella borealis | (E.Y. Dawson) E.Y. Dawson | Nova Hedwigia | 6: 416 | 1963 |
Titanoderma dispar | (Foslie) Woelkerling, Chamberlain, & Silva | Phycologia | 24: 333 (table 2) | 1985 |
Tokidaea serrata | (M.J. Wynne) Lindstrom & M.J. Wynne | Syesis | 14: 42 | 1982 |
Tylotus cunninghamii | (J. Agardh) Kylin | Lunds Univ. Årsskr. N.F. Avd. 2, | 37{2}: 22 | 1941 |
Vertebrata baileyi | (Harvey) Kuntze | Rev. Gen. Pl. | 2: 928 | 1891 |
Vertebrata verticillata | (Harvey) Kuntze | Rev. Gen. Pl. | 2: 929 | 1891 |
Vertebrata woodii | (Harvey) Kuntze | Rev. Gen. Pl. | 2: 929 | 1891 |
Zanardinula abbreviata var. guaymasensis | (E.Y. Dawson) E.Y. Dawson | Allan Hancock Pacific. Exped. | 17: 279 | 1954 |
Zanardinula australis | (J. Agardh) Papenfuss | Farlowia | 1: 342 | 1944 |
Zanardinula lanceolata | (Harvey) De Toni f. | Not. nomencl. alg. | 7: [7] | 1936 |