Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

Results from INA database

    Anabaena aeruginosaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 60, pl. 12: fig. 11 1927
    Anabaena delicatissimaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 61, pl. 12: fig. 12 1927
    Anabaena epiphyticaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 61 1927
    Anabaena luteaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 58, pl. 12: fig. 7 1927
    Anabaena mediocrisN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 61, pl. 12: fig. 13 1927
    Anabaena portoricensisN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 62, pl. 12: fig. 14 1927
    Anabaena subtropicaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 59, pl. 12: fig. 9 1927
    Anabaena unisporaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 59, pl. 12: fig. 8 1927
    Anabaena willeiN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 60, pl. 12: fig. 10 1927
    Anacystis amplivesiculataN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 22, pl. 4: fig. 40 1927
    Anacystis anomalaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 26, pl. 5: fig. 48 1927
    Anacystis compactaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 20, pl. 4: fig. 36 1927
    Anacystis consociataN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 25, pl. 5: fig. 47 1927
    Anacystis cylindraceaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 19, pl. 3: fig. 35 1927
    Anacystis distansN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 21, pl. 4: fig. 37 1927
    Anacystis gigas(W. West & G.S. West) N.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 15 1927
    Anacystis gloeocapsoidesN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 22, pl. 4: fig. 41 1927
    Anacystis irregularisN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 24, pl. 5: fig. 45 1927
    Anacystis magnificaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 21, pl. 4: fig. 38 1927
    Anacystis microsphaeriaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 22, pl. 4: fig. 39 1927
    Anacystis minutissimaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 25, pl. 5: fig. 46 1927
    Anacystis nidulansN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 23, pl. 4: fig. 42 1927
    Anacystis nigropurpureaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 8, pl. 3: fig. 33 1927
    Anacystis nigroviolaceaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 19, pl. 3: fig. 34 1927
    Anacystis pulchraN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 23, pl. 4: fig. 43 1927
    Anacystis radiataN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 26, pl. 5: fig. 48 1927
    Anacystis radiata var. majorN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 26, pl. 5: fig. 49 1927
    Anacystis willeiN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 24, pl. 5: fig. 44 1927
    Aphanocapsa intertextaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 4, pl. 1: fig. 7 1927
    Aphanocapsa richteriana var. majorN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 4, pl. 1: fig. 9 1927
    Aphanothece bacilloideaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 5, pl. 1: fig. 10 1927
    Aphanothece conferta var. brevisN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 5 1927
    Aphanothece microscopica var. granulosaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 5, pl. 1: fig. 11 1927
    Aphanothece opalescensN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 5, pl. 1: fig. 8 1927
    Calothrix braunii var. contortaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 67 1927
    Calothrix braunii var. mollisN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 68, no fig. 1927
    Calothrix conicaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 66, pl. 13: fig. 18 1927
    Calothrix evanescensN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 69, pl. 13: fig. 22 1927
    Calothrix juliana var. tenuiorN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 69 1927
    Calothrix parietina var. torulosaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 67 1927
    Calothrix simplexN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 66, pl. 13: fig. 19 1927
    Calothrix tenellaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 67, pl. 13: fig. 20 1927
    Chamaesiphon portoricensisN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 33, pl. 7: fig. 60 1927
    Chamaesiphon willeiN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Garden 7: 34, pl. 7: fig. 62 1927
    Chroococcus aeruginosusN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 7, pl. 2: fig. 16 1927
    Chroococcus cubicusN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 5, pl. 1: fig. 12 1927
    Chroococcus giganteus var. occidentalisN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 8, pl. 2: fig. 17 1927
    Chroococcus heanogloiosN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 9, pl. 2: fig. 20 1927
    Chroococcus minutissimusN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 8, pl. 2: fig. 18 1927
    Chroococcus muralisN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 7, pl. 2: fig. 15 1927
    Chroococcus subsphaericusN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 6, pl. 2: fig. 13 1927
    Chroococcus subsphericusN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 6, pl. 2: fig. 13 1927
    Chroococcus turgidus var. uniformisN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 7 1927
    Dactylococcopsis arcuataN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 3, pl. 1: fig. 4 1927
    Endospora bicoccusN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 28, pl. 5: fig. 52 1927
    Endospora melleaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 28 1927
    Endospora nigraN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 29, pl. 5: fig. 53 1927
    Endospora rubraN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Garden 7: 28, pl. 5: fig. 51 1927
    Gloeocapsa quaternata var. majorN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 12, pl. 12: fig. 27 1927
    Gloeocapsa sphaericaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 12, pl. 3: fig. 26 1927
    Gloeothece endochromaticaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 13, pl. 3: fig. 29 1927
    Gloeothece opalothecataN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 14, pl. 3: fig. 31 1927
    Hapalosiphon subgelatinosusN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 94, pl. 23: fig. 61 1927
    Hapalosiphon tenuisN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 94, pl. 23: fig. 60 1927
    Hassallia brevisN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 82, pl. 18, fig. 40 1927
    Hassallia discoideaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 84, pl. 19, fig. 44 1927
    Hassallia fragilisN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 85, pl. 20, fig. 46 1927
    Hassallia granulataN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 82, pl. 18, fig. 41 1927
    Hassallia heterogeneaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 83, pl. 19: fig. 42 1927
    Hassallia rugulosaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 84, pl. 19, fig. 45 1927
    Hassallia scytonematoidesN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 84, pl. 19, fig. 44 1927
    Hypheothrix parciramosaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 50, pl. 10, fig. 96 1927
    Hypheothrix symplocoidesN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 51, pl. 10: fig. 97 1927
    Hypheothrix willeiN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 52, pl. 10: fig. 98 1927
    Inactis ecalcareaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 54, pl. 11: fig. 100 1927
    Lyngbya epiphytica var. aquaedulcisN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 40 1927
    Lyngbya erectaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 38, pl. 8: fig. 75 1927
    Lyngbya magnificaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 40, pl. 8: fig. 79 1927
    Lyngbya martensiana var. minorN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 41, pl. 8: fig. 80 1927
    Microchaete tenera var. tenuiorN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 7: 71 1927
    Microcoleus acutissimusN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 55, pl. 11: fig. 2 1927
    Microcoleus sociatus var. minorN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 54 1927
    Microcoleus sociatus var. minorN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 57, pl. 11: fig. 6 1927
    Nodularia epiphyticaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 65, pl. 12: fig. 16 1927
    Nodularia willeiN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 7: 65, pl. 121: fig. 15 1927
    Nostoc albumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 63 1927
    Nostoc brittoniiN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 62 1927
    Nostoc membranaceumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 64 1927
    Oscillatoria articulataN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 7: 34, pl. VII: fig. 64 1927
    Oscillatoria chalybea var. insularisN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 36, pl. 7: fig. 68 1927
    Oscillatoria claricentrosaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 37, pl. 8: fig. 72 1927
    Oscillatoria earleiN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 36, pl. 8: fig. 70 1927
    Oscillatoria granulataN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 7: 37, pl. 8: fig. 71 1927
    Oscillatoria obtusaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 38, pl. 8: fig. 73 1927
    Oscillatoria tenuis var. levisN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 35, pl. 7: fig. 66 1927
    Oscillatoria tortuosaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 7: 34, pl. 7: fig. 63 1927
    Oscillatoria willeiN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 7: 36, pl. 7: fig. 67 1927
    Phormidium mucosumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 7: 43, pl. 9: fig. 84 1927
    Phormidium purpurascens var. homogeneumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 45 1927
    Phormidium rubriterricolaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 43, pl. 9: fig. 86 1927
    Phormidium scytonematicolaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 7: 42 1927
    Phormidium scytonematicola var. minusN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 42 1927
    Placoma willeiN.L. Gardner Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 7: 29, pl. 6: fig. 54 1927
    Plectonema flexuosumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 7: 47, pl. 10: fig. 90 1927
    Plectonema muraleN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 7: 47, pl. 9: fig. 89 1927
    Plectonema tenuissimumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 7: 47, pl. 10: fig. 91 1927
    Rivularia flagelliformisN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 71, pl. 14, fig. 25 1927
    Schizothrix thelephoroides var. minorN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 53 1927
    Schizothrix violaceaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 52, pl. 11: fig. 99 1927
    Scytonema guyanense var. minusN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 79 1927
    Scytonema lyngbyoidesN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 78, pl. 17: fig. 35 1927
    Stigonema congestumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 89, pl. 21, fig. 52 1927
    Stigonema cornutumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 90, pl. 21: fig. 53 1927
    Stigonema elegansN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 88, pl. 20: fig. 51 1927
    Stigonema elegans var. minusN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 89 1927
    Stigonema hormoides var. constrictumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 87 1927
    Stigonema hormoides var. lineareN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 88 1927
    Stigonema hormoides var. nodulosumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 88 1927
    Stigonema hormoides var. rigidumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 88 1927
    Stigonema minutum var. parciramosumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 90 1927
    Stigonema minutum var. ramentaceumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 91 1927
    Stigonema minutum var. tuberculatumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 90 1927
    Stigonema opalescensN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 93, pl. 22: fig. 58 1927
    Stigonema parciramosumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 93, pl. 23: fig. 59 1927
    Stigonema ramosissimumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 91, pl. 21: fig. 54 1927
    Stigonema scytonematoidesN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 92, pl. 22: fig. 57 1927
    Stigonema spiniferumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 91, pl. 22: fig. 56 1927
    Stigonema tuberculatumN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 93, pl. 21: fig. 55 1927
    Symploca willeiN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 48, pl. 10: fig. 92 1927
    Synechocystis willeiN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 2, pl. 1: fig. 42 1927
    Tolypothrix papyraceaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 85, pl. 00: fig. 47 1927
    Xenococcus willeiN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 7: 33, pl. 7: fig. 60 1927