The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
Name | Author | Source | Citation | Year |
Cymbella affiniformis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 45, 162, pl. 25: figs. 1-8 | 2002 |
Cymbella affinis var. procera | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 41, 161, pl. 22: figs. 8-13 | 2002 |
Cymbella alpestris | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 52, 163, pl. 33; pl. 34: figs. 1-7 | 2002 |
Cymbella amplificata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 110 | 2002 |
Cymbella arctissima | Metzeltin in K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 104, 170, pl. 106: figs. 7-8 | 2002 |
Cymbella bengaliformis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 122, 172, pl. 142: figs. 8-9 | 2002 |
Cymbella buechleri | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 110, 171, pl. 116: fig. 1 | 2002 |
Cymbella cantonatii | H. Lange-Bertalot in K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 149, 174, pl. 172: figs. 1-7 | 2002 |
Cymbella cistuliformis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 100, 170, pl. 101: figs. 1-4; pl. 102 | 2002 |
Cymbella cleve-eulerae | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 105 | 2002 |
Cymbella convexa | (Hustedt) K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 100 | 2002 |
Cymbella crassa | (Grunow) K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 122 | 2002 |
Cymbella crassistigmata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 86 | 2002 |
Cymbella diversa | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 80, 168, pl. 67: figs. 4-9; pl. 68 | 2002 |
Cymbella diversiformis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 80, 167, pl. 67: figs. 1-2 | 2002 |
Cymbella diversistigmata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 63, 165, pl. 40 | 2002 |
Cymbella dorsirostrata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 30, 159, pl. 10: figs. 1-9, 14-18 | 2002 |
Cymbella duplopunctata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 109, 171, pl. 116: figs. 2-6 | 2002 |
Cymbella elizabethana | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 83, 168, pl. 26: figs. 9-10 | 2002 |
Cymbella excisa var. angusta | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 28, 159, pl. 9: figs. 8-18 | 2002 |
Cymbella excisa var. procera | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 28, 159, pl. 9: figs. 1-7; pl. 10: figs. 10-13; pl. 12: fig. 7 | 2002 |
Cymbella excisa var. subcapitata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 28, 159, pl. 10: figs. 1-9, 14-18 | 2002 |
Cymbella excisiformis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 31, 160, pl. 11; pl. 12: figs. 3-5; pl. 13: figs. 1-8; pl. 20: figs. 9-16; pl. 37: figs. 1-7 | 2002 |
Cymbella excisiformis var. nonprotracta | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 31, 160, pl. 37: figs. 8-15 | 2002 |
Cymbella exigua | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 30, 159, pl. 10: figs. 19-24 | 2002 |
Cymbella geddiana | K. Krammer & Lange-Bertalot in Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 62, 165, pl. 44: figs. 14-18 | 2002 |
Cymbella gemeinhardtii | D. Metzeltin & K. Krammer in Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 129, 172, pl. 152 | 2002 |
Cymbella graciliformis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 74, 167, pl. 54: figs. 12-15; pl. 74: fig. 5 | 2002 |
Cymbella guettingeri | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 88, 169, pl. 75 | 2002 |
Cymbella halophila | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 120, 172, pl. 135 | 2002 |
Cymbella hantzschiana | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 47 | 2002 |
Cymbella hantzschiana var. borealis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 48, 162, pl. 29: figs. 7-12 | 2002 |
Cymbella hantzschiana var. strontiana | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 48, 162, pl. 30: figs. 9-14 | 2002 |
Cymbella hedinii | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 23, 159, pl. 29: figs. 13-16 | 2002 |
Cymbella hofmanniae | H. Lange-Bertalot & K. Krammer in K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 59, 164, pl. 43 | 2002 |
Cymbella hustedtii var. compacta | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 138, 173, pl. 160: figs. 19-20 | 2002 |
Cymbella hustedtii var. crassipunctata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 138, 173, pl. 160: figs. 21-27 | 2002 |
Cymbella hustedtii var. rhombica | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 138, 173, pl. 160: figs. 14-18 | 2002 |
Cymbella incurvata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 54, 163, pl. 35 | 2002 |
Cymbella italica | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 52, 163, pl. 32: figs. 1-6 | 2002 |
Cymbella kemiana | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 93, 169, pl. 115: figs. 1-7 | 2002 |
Cymbella kolbei var. angusta | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 33, 160, pl. 14: figs. 24-28 | 2002 |
Cymbella laevis var. lata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 174, pl. 192: figs. 1-5 | 2002 |
Cymbella lanceolata var. bottnica | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 126, 172, pl. 148 | 2002 |
Cymbella lancettula | (K. Krammer) K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 43 | 2002 |
Cymbella lancettuliformis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 73, 167, pl. 54: figs. 7-11 | 2002 |
Cymbella lange-bertalotii | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 152, 174, pl. 179; pl. 180: figs. 1-8; pl. 181: figs. 1-6, 8; pl. 182 | 2002 |
Cymbella leptoceroides var. sublanceolata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 140, 174, pl. 161: fig. 11 | 2002 |
Cymbella maggiana | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 62, 165, pl. 45: figs. 6-13 | 2002 |
Cymbella metzeltinii | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 69, 166, pl. 49: figs. 6-11 | 2002 |
Cymbella mexicana var. kamtschatica | (Grunow) K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 144 | 2002 |
Cymbella mexicana var. lata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 174, pl. 169: figs. 10-13 | 2002 |
Cymbella mexicana var. punctifera | (Cleve) K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 145 | 2002 |
Cymbella modicepunctata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 109, 171, pl. 117: figs. 1-4 | 2002 |
Cymbella neocistula | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 94, 169, pl. 85: figs. 1-4; pl. 86: figs. 1-7; pl. 87: figs. 1-9; pl. 88; pl. 90; pl. 91; pl. 92: figs. 1-3 | 2002 |
Cymbella neocistula var. islandica | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 95, 170, pl. 93 | 2002 |
Cymbella neocistula var. lunata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 95, 169, pl. 89 | 2002 |
Cymbella neogena | (Grunow) K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 116, 171 | 2002 |
Cymbella neoleptoceros | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 134, 173, pls. 156, 157 | 2002 |
Cymbella neoleptoceros var. tenuistriata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 135, 173, pl. 160: figs. 1-6 | 2002 |
Cymbella novazeelandiana | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 71, 166, pl. 47: figs. 6-9; pl. 51: figs. 1-12 | 2002 |
Cymbella obtusiformis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 79, 167, pl. 66 | 2002 |
Cymbella oestrupii | H. Lange-Bertalot & K. Krammer in K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 53, 163, pl. 34: figs. 9-11 | 2002 |
Cymbella oligocenica | W. Schiller & Krammer in K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 157, 174, pl. 194: figs. 1-4 | 2002 |
Cymbella omaniana | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 72, 166, pl. 55: figs. 1-6 | 2002 |
Cymbella pantocsekii | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 51, 162, pl. 55: figs. 8-9 | 2002 |
Cymbella parviformis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 37, 160, pl. 15: figs. 8-12 | 2002 |
Cymbella parviformis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 81, 168, pl. 69: figs. 1-9 | 2002 |
Cymbella peraffinis | R. Tynni in K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 160, pl. 14: figs. 1-7 | 2002 |
Cymbella peraspera | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 118, 171, pls. 131, 132, 133; pl 139: fig. 6 | 2002 |
Cymbella peraspera var. colombiana | K. Krammer & Lange-Bertalot in Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 118, 172, pl. 134 | 2002 |
Cymbella peraspera var. gigantea | (Pantocsek) K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 119 | 2002 |
Cymbella percapitata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 39, 161, pl. 20: figs. 1-8 | 2002 |
Cymbella percymbiformis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 75, 167, pl. 56; pl. 57 | 2002 |
Cymbella perfossilis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 99, 170, pl. 100 | 2002 |
Cymbella perjaponica | K. Krammer & H. Lange-Bertalot in Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 64, 165, pl. 46: figs. 7-12 | 2002 |
Cymbella perparva | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 38, 160, pl. 18: figs. 1-15; pl. 53 | 2002 |
Cymbella pervarians | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 58, 164, pl. 39: figs. 8-18; pl. 41; pl. 42 | 2002 |
Cymbella proxima var. borealis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 107, 170, pl. 111 | 2002 |
Cymbella proxima var. bottnica | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 107, 171, pl. 114 | 2002 |
Cymbella robertii | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 83, 168, pl. 25: fig. 14 | 2002 |
Cymbella rumrichiae ('rumrichae') | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 70, 166, pl. 50 | 2002 |
Cymbella schilleri | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 83, 168, pl. 26: figs. 7-4 | 2002 |
Cymbella schimanskii var. excelsa | (Meister) K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 91 | 2002 |
Cymbella scotlandica | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 51, 162, pl. 31: figs. 1-7 | 2002 |
Cymbella scutariana | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 63, 165, pl. 45: figs. 1-5 | 2002 |
Cymbella sinensis | Metzeltin & K. Krammer in K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 111, 171, pl. 121 | 2002 |
Cymbella strontiana | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 50, 162, pl. 30: figs. 1-8, 10-17 | 2002 |
Cymbella subantarctica | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 86, 168, pl. 73: fig. 1-6 | 2002 |
Cymbella subarctica | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 103, 170, pl. 82: figs. 7-8; pl. 105: figs. 1-7 | 2002 |
Cymbella subaspera | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 121, 172, pl. 136 | 2002 |
Cymbella subaspera var. salina | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 121, 172, pl. 137 | 2002 |
Cymbella subcistula | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 93, 169, pl. 83, 84; pl. 85: figs. 5-8 | 2002 |
Cymbella subhelvetica | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 151, 174, pls. 176, 177, 178; pl. 180: fig. 9 | 2002 |
Cymbella subkolbei | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 35, 160, pl. 15: figs. 1-7 | 2002 |
Cymbella subleptoceros | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 133, 173, pl. 154: figs. 2-17, pl. 155; pl. 161: figs. 12a-b | 2002 |
Cymbella subtruncata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 39, 161, pl. 18: figs. 16-21; pl. 19: figs. 1-13, 20,21 | 2002 |
Cymbella subtruncata var. similis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 39, 161, pl. 19: figs. 14-19 | 2002 |
Cymbella subturgidula | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 69, 166, pl. 44: figs. 19-21 | 2002 |
Cymbella superparva | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 38, 161, pl. 15: figs. 13-15 | 2002 |
Cymbella terrafuegiana | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 88, 169, pl. 76: figs. 1-3 | 2002 |
Cymbella ticinensis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 44, 161, pl. 24: figs. 17-19 | 2002 |
Cymbella towoetensis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 139, 173, pl. 161: figs. 13-14 | 2002 |
Cymbella transsilvanica | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 137, 173, pl. 158: figs. 6-11 | 2002 |
Cymbella tropica | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 61, 164, pl. 44: figs. 1-10 | 2002 |
Cymbella tropica var. tenuipunctata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 61, 164, pl. 49: figs. 12-13 | 2002 |
Cymbella turgidula var. bengalensis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 67, 166, pl. 48: figs. 8-11; pl. 49: figs. 1-5 | 2002 |
Cymbella turgidula var. venezolana | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 67, 166, pl. 48: figs. 12-17 | 2002 |
Cymbella turgiduliformis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 65, 165, pl. 47: figs. 1-5 | 2002 |
Cymbella vulgata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 55, 163, pl. 36; pl. 37: figs. 16-21; pl. 38; pl. 39: figs. 1-7 | 2002 |
Cymbella vulgata var. plitvicensis | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 56, 164, pl. 32: figs. 7-13 | 2002 |
Cymbella weslawskii | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 49, 162, pl. 27: figs. 1-7 | 2002 |
Cymbella zambesiana | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 61, 164, pl. 44: figs. 11-13 | 2002 |
Pinnularia minoricapitata | K. Krammer | Diatoms of Europe | 3: 175 | 2002 |