Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

Results from INA database

    Amphiroa bowerbankiiHarvey Ner. Austral.: 97, pl. XXXVII (p.p.) 1849
    Amphiroa cultrataHarvey Nereis Austral.: 102, pl. XXXIX (pro parte) 1849
    Amphiroa exilisHarvey Ner. Austral.: 95 1849
    Amphiroa exilis var. crassiusculaHarvey Ner. Austral.: 95 1849
    Amphiroa flabellataHarvey Ner. Austral.: 101, pl. XXXIX (upper right) 1849
    Amphiroa gueinziiHarvey Ner. Austral.: 95 1849
    Amphiroa stangeriHarvey Ner. Austral.: 101, pl. XXXIX (upper left) 1849
    Amphiroa wardiiHarvey Ner. Austral.: 99, pl. XXXVIII (in part) 1849
    Bostrychia binderiHarvey Ner. Austral.: 68, pl. XXVIII (upper figs.) 1849
    Chylocladia capensisHarvey Ner. Austral.: 79, pl. XXIX 1849
    Cladhymenia gunniiHarvey Ner. Austr.: 87, pl. 32 1847
    Corallina berteroiMontagne in Harvey Ner. Austral.: 103 1849
    Corallina chilensisDecaisne in Harvey Ner. Austral.: 103 1849
    Dasya capillarisJ. Hooker & Harvey in Harvey, Ner. Austral.: 60, pl. 19 1847
    Dasya gunniana(Harvey) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 59 1847
    Dasya lawrenciana(Harvey) Harvey Nereis Austr.: 60 1847
    Dasya pellucidaHarvey Ner. Austral.: 67, pl. XXVII (in part) 1849
    Epineuron spirale(Lamouroux) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 25 1847
    Hemineura frondosa(J. Hooker & Harvey) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 116 1849
    Jania fastigiataHarvey Ner. Austral.: 107 1849
    Jania natalensisHarvey Ner. Austral.: 107 1849
    Jeannerettia lobataJ. Hooker & Harvey in Harvey Ner. Austral.: 20, pl. IV 1847
    Laurencia capensisHarvey Ner. Austral.: 86, pl. XXXI 1849
    Laurencia gracilisJ. Hooker & Harvey in Harvey Ner. Austral.: 84 1849
    Laurencia obtusa var. pyramidalisHarvey Ner. Austral.: 83 1849
    Laurencia pyramidalisBory in Harvey Ner. Austral.: 83 1849
    Laurencia tasmanicaJ. Hooker & Harvey in Harvey Ner. Austral.: 84 1849
    Lenormandia latifoliaHarvey & Greville in Harvey Ner. Austral.: 19 1847
    Lenormandia marginataJ. Hooker & Harvey in Harvey Ner. Austral.: 19, pl. II 1847
    Mastophora flabellata(Sonder) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 108 1849
    Mastophora hypoleucaHarvey Ner. Austral.: 108, pl. XLI (in part) 1849
    Mastophora lamourouxiiDecaisne ex Harvey Ner. Austral.: 108, pl. XLI (in part) 1849
    Mastophora plana(Sonder) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 108 1849
    Melobesia amplexifronsHarvey Ner. Austral.: 110 1849
    Melobesia brassica-floridaHarvey Ner. Austral.: 110 1849
    Melobesia mamillarisHarvey Ner. Austral.: 109, pl. XLI (in part) 1849
    Melobesia patenaJ. Hooker & Harvey in Harvey Ner. Austral.: 111, pl. XL (in part) 1849
    Nitophyllum minus(Sonder) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 119 1849
    Nitophyllum venosumHarvey Ner. Austral.: 118 1847
    Plocamium cornutum(Turner) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 123 1849
    Plocamium mertensii(Greville) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 122 1849
    Pollexfenia cartilagineaHarvey & Greville in Harvey Ner. Austral.: 23 1847
    Polysiphonia heringiiHarvey Ner. Austral.: 47 1847
    Polysiphonia hookeriHarvey Ner. Austral.: 40 1847
    Polysiphonia hystrixJ. Hooker & Harvey in Harvey Ner. Austral.: 41, pl. XIV 1847
    Polysiphonia incomptaHarvey Ner. Austral.: 44 1847
    Polysiphonia mallardiae(Harvey) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 40 1847
    Polysiphonia mollisJ. Hooker & Harvey in Harvey Ner. Austral.: 43 1847
    Polysiphonia prorepensHarvey Ner. Austral.: 50 1847
    Polysiphonia tenebrosaHarvey Ner. Austral.: 55 1847
    Polysiphonia urbanaHarvey Ner. Austral.: 55 1847
    Polyzonia sonderiHarvey Ner. Austral.: 72 1849
    Rytiphlaea australasica(Montagne) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 32 1847
    Spirhymenia serrata(Suhr) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 27 1847
    Thysanocladia coriacea(Sonder) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 90, pl. XXXVI 1849
    Thysanocladia dorsifera(C. Agardh) Harvey Ner. Austral.: 90 1849
    Thysanocladia pectinataGreville & Harvey in Harvey, Ner. Austral.: 91 1849