The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
Name | Author | Source | Citation | Year |
Acanthophora arborea | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 296 | 1859 |
Areschougia stuartii | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 321 | 1859 |
Callithamnion conspicuum | (Sonder) Harvey | The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. discovery ships Erebus and Terror, in the years 1839-1843, under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross ... Part III. Flora Tasmaniae. Volume II. Monocotyledones and Acotyledones: | 335 | 1859 |
Callithamnion dispar | Harvey in J. Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 335 | 1859 |
Callithamnion elongatum | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 336 | 1859 |
Callithamnion fastigiatum | Harvey in J. Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 336 | 1859 |
Callithamnion paradoxum | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 337 | 1859 |
Callithamnion violaceum | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 334 | 1859 |
Calothrix infestans | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 343 | 1859 |
Chaetangium flabellatum | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 316 | 1859 |
Chaetangium lingula | Harvey in J. Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 316 | 1859 |
Champia obsoleta | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 307 | 1859 |
Chondria bulbosa | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 297 | 1859 |
Chondria opuntioides | (Harvey) Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 297 | 1859 |
Cladophora ferruginea | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 340 | 1859 |
Cladophora gracillima | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 340 | 1859 |
Cladophora stuartii | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 340 | 1859 |
Cladosiphon nigricans | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 292 | 1859 |
Corynospora arachnoidea | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 333 | 1859 |
Crouania insignis | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 331, pl. CXCIII:B | 1859 |
Cystophora xiphocarpa | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 284, pl. CLXXXV | 1859 |
Dasya archeri | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 304 | 1859 |
Dasya feredayae | Harvey in J. Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 303 | 1859 |
Dasya haffieae ('haffiae') | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 303 | 1859 |
Dasya hapalathrix | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: pl. LXXXVIII | 1859 |
Delisea hypnaeoides | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 305 | 1859 |
Gigartina brachiata | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 325 | 1859 |
Gigartina lanceolata | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 326 | 1859 |
Gloiosaccion brownii var. coriaceum | Harvey | The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. discovery ships Erebus and Terror, in the years 1839-1843, under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross ... Part III. Flora Tasmaniae. Volume II. Monocotyledones and Acotyledones: | 322 | 1859 |
Griffithsia gracilis | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 332 | 1859 |
Gymnogongrus fastigiatus | Harvey in J. Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 322 | 1859 |
Haloplegma preissii var. flabelliforme | Harvey | The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. discovery ships Erebus and Terror, in the years 1839-1843, under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross ... Part III. Flora Tasmaniae. Volume II. Monocotyledones and Acotyledones: | 330 | 1859 |
Halymenia saccata | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 327 | 1859 |
Horea polycarpa | Harvey in J. Hooker | Fl. Tasman | 2: 329, pl. CXCIV:B | 1859 |
Horea speciosa | Harvey in J. Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 328, pl. CXCIV:A | 1859 |
Hypnea planicaulis | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 315 | 1859 |
Iridaea foliifera | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 326 | 1859 |
Iridaea polycarpa | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 326 | 1859 |
Kallymenia tasmanica | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 325 | 1859 |
Liebmannia australis | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 291 | 1859 |
Mastophora canaliculata | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 310 | 1859 |
Mychodea disticha | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 323, pl. CXCII.A | 1859 |
Mychodea hamata | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 323 | 1859 |
Mychodea terminalis | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 323 | 1859 |
Myriodesma integrifolium | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 286, pl. CLXXXVI | 1859 |
Nemastoma densum_(`densa') | Harvey in J. Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 328 | 1859 |
Nemastoma feredayae | Harvey in J. Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 327, pl. CXCV:A | 1859 |
Nemastoma feredayae var. proliferum ('prolifera') | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 328 | 1859 |
Nereia australis | (Harvey) Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 289 | 1859 |
Oedogonium monile | Berkeley & Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 342, pl. CXCVI:B | 1859 |
Phacelocarpus complanatus | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 313 | 1859 |
Polycoelia fastigiata | Harvey in Hooker, | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 324, pl. CXCII:B | 1859 |
Polysiphonia crassiuscula | Harvey in Hooker, | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 299 | 1859 |
Polysiphonia laxa | Harvey in Hooker, | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 300 | 1859 |
Polysiphonia spinosissima | Harvey in Hooker, | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 301 | 1859 |
Polysiphonia succulenta | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 300 | 1859 |
Polysiphonia vagabunda | Harvey in Hooker, | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 300 | 1859 |
Ptilonia australasica | Harvey in Hooker, | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 305, pl. CXC:A | 1859 |
Rhodophyllis multipartita | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 318 | 1859 |
Rhodymenia cuneata | Harvey in J. Hooker, | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 319 | 1859 |
Rhodymenia polymorpha | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 319 | 1859 |
Rytiphlaea simplicifolia | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 298 | 1859 |
Sporochnus apodus | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 287 | 1859 |
Tetraspora intricata | Berkeley & Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 342 | 1859 |
Wrangelia mucronata | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 309, pl. CXCI:B | 1859 |
Wrangelia protensa | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 308 | 1859 |
Wrangelia setigera | Harvey in Hooker | Fl. Tasman. | 2: 309, pl. CXCI:A | 1859 |