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Dudleya abramsii Rose subsp. setchellii (Jeps.) Morin
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Information from the Index of California Plant Names (ICPN)
Current Jepson Flora Project Synonyms
Dudleya setchellii (Jeps.) Britton & Rose
Initial Editorial Analysis
23 Jan 2008
Source of Report for California
Correspondence 1
Correspondence and Comments Subsequent to Initial Analysis
Correspondence 1
7 Jan 2008 e-mail from Jeff Greenhouse see Comment 1
Editorial Comments 1
Correspondence 1 indicates that Dudleya abramsii subsp. setchellii (Jeps.) Moran [treated as Dudleya setchellii (Jeps.) Britton & Rose in The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1], The Jepson Manual [Ed. 2]] has been published by Nancy Morin in J. BRIT 1:1015 (2007), based on Cotyledon laxa var. setchellii Jeps. (A Flora of Western Middle California 267. 1901). Correspondence 1 also indicates, with respect to author citation: that Morin ascribed the name to Reid Moran (Moran in Authors of Plant Names) with the explanation 'The provision of nomenclature here simply implements Dr. Moran's taxonomy and the combination should be credited to him, with citation as Moran "in" Morin.'; that it would appear that this is contrary to ICBN 2006 Art. 46.4, which states in part "A new combination or a nomen novum must be attributed to the author or authors of the publication in which it appears, although it was ascribed to a different author or to different authors, when no separate statement was made that they contributed in some way to that publication."; that since there is no statement made that Moran contributed to the publication, strict adherence to the Code would yield Moran ex Morin as the correct citation. With respect to to author citation, the Editor of this Index does not agree with the statement that "no separate statement was made that they (in this case, Moran) contributed in some way to that publication" (there is a statement that the new combination is based on the research and conclusions -- the "taxonomy" -- of Moran), and since the source or authorship of the description is not at issue (this is only a new combination), the Editor of this Index believes that Morin (the person, not the author citation) is correct, and that authorship should be Moran in Morin (abbreviated to Moran here). Therefore, author citation to be Dudleya abramsii Rose subsp. setchellii (Jeps.) Moran in this Index, 10 Jan 2008.]
Correspondence 2
22 Jan 2008 e-mail from Stephen McCabe (author of Dudleya for The Jepson Manual [Ed. 2]), including e-mails from Nancy Morin, Kanchi Gandhi see Comment 2
Editorial Comments 2
Correspondence 2 indicates that for The Jepson Manual [Ed. 2], Dudleya setchellii (Jeps.) Britton & Rose is to be treated as a synonym of Dudleya abramsii Rose subsp. setchellii (Jeps.) Morin, citing Nancy Morin in J. BRIT 1:1015 (2007). Correspondence 2 also indicates, evidently without further discussion, the following from Kanchi Gandhi on the subject of author citation [for Dudleya abramsii subsp. costatifolia, which was published in the same paper as Dudleya abramsii Rose subsp. setchellii (Jeps.) Morin and so must have the same author citation]: "Therefore, let us use: Dudleya abramsii subsp. costatifolia (Bartel & Shevock) Morin." [Therefore, despite the fact that the Editor of this Index does not agree, yet in the interests of contributing to nomenclatural stability, author citation changed to Dudleya abramsii Rose subsp. setchellii (Jeps.) Morin, from Dudleya abramsii Rose subsp. setchellii (Jeps.) Moran previously in this Index, 23 Jan 2008.]
Editorial Summary and Current Status