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Euchiton sphaericus (Willd.) Holub
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Information from the Index of California Plant Names (ICPN)
Current Jepson Flora Project Misapplied Names
Euchiton japonicus (Thunb.) Holub;
Gnaphalium japonicum Thunb.
Initial Editorial Analysis
31 Jan 2011
Notes on Publication of Name
Folia Geobot. Phytotax., 9(3): 271 (1974).
Source of Report for California
Correspondence 1
Initial Editorial Comments
author citation uncertain, both Euchiton sphaericus (Willd.) Anderb. (Op. Bot., 104: 167.1991) and Euchiton sphaericus (Willd.) Holub (Folia Geobot Phytotax., 9(3): 271. 1974) in International Plant Names Index-Index Kewensis, Euchiton sphaericus (Willd.) Anderb. in Kartesz & Meacham.
Editorial Recommendation
author citation to be checked [resolved]
Correspondence and Comments Subsequent to Initial Analysis
Correspondence 1
17 Oct 2002 e-mail from Kim Kersh see Comment 1
Editorial Comments 1
Correspondence 1 indicates that specimens entered previously into SMASCH as...Gnaphalium japonicum Thunb. have been entered as Euchiton sphaericus (Willd.) Holub, based on annotations by Guy Nesom, in connection with a treatment he is preparing for Flora North America. [It is not clear why Nesom used Euchiton sphaericus (Willd.) Holub (Gnaphalium sphaericum Willd., 1809) instead of Euchiton japonicus (Thunb.) Anderb. (Gnaphalium japonicum C.P. Thunberg ex Murray, 1784, according to International Plant Names Index-Index Kewensis); both are recognized in Kartesz & Meacham, the former indicated only for HI, the latter for HI, OR, and CA. There also is confusion over the author citation of Gnaphalium japonicum. In IPNI-Index Kewensis, it is Euchiton japonicus (Thunb.) Anderb. (or Holub), but Gnaphalium japonicum C. P. Thunberg ex A. Murray is cited there as the basionym. Place of publication of the basionym is given as "in Linnaeus, Syst. Veg., ed. 14: 749. ..1784", which was authored by Johan Andreas Murray (Murray in Authors of Plant Names; A. Murray in Authors of Plant Names is Andrew Murray, 180?-1850), according to Taxonomic Literature II (Volume III), meaning that the correct author citations would be Gnaphalium japonicum Murray, and Euchiton japonicus (Murray) Anderb. "Systema vegetabilium...editio decima quarta" was not immediately available.]
Correspondence 2
20 Oct 2005 e-mail from Jeff Greenhouse see Comment 2
Editorial Comments 2
Correspondence 2 indicates that the combinations Euchiton gymnocephalus, Euchiton involucratus, Euchiton japonicus, and Euchiton sphaericus were all published by Josef Holub (Holub in Authors of Plant Names), in Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica 9(3): 271 (1974), and that these combinations as published in 1991 by Anderberg (Opera Botanica 104:167. 1991) were superfluous. [Therefore, author citation correct as given in this Index.]
Editorial Summary and Current Status
Editorial Summary
addition, for taxon reported as naturalized in California since The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1]