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Sairocarpus multiflorus D. A. Sutton
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PLANTAGINACEAE (genus previously included in Scrophulariaceae)
Information from the Index of California Plant Names (ICPN)
Initial Editorial Analysis
Nov 1 2001
Source of Report for California
Kartesz & Meacham
Initial Editorial Comments
treated as Antirrhinum multiflorum in The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1]
Correspondence and Comments Subsequent to Initial Analysis
Correspondence 1
19 Aug 2014 e-mail from Jim L. Reveal see Comment 1
Editorial Comments 1
Correspondence 1 indicates that Antirrhinum multiflorum Pennell is not a legitimate name, being a later homonym of A. x multiflora Vick (1868), and that because the Pennell name was a replacement for A. glandulosum Lindl., itself a later homonym (non Lej.), the Sutton name, Sairocarpus multiflorus is both valid and legitimate, so that the correct author citation is simply Sairocarpus multiflorus D.A. Sutton. [Therefore, author citation corrected to Sairocarpus multiflorus D. A. Sutton, from Sairocarpus multiflorus (Pennell) D. A. Sutton previously in this Index, 19 Aug 2014. Also, according to Kerry Barringer (Barringer. 2013. New combinations in Sairocarpus (Plantaginaceae). Phytoneuron 2013-34: 1–3. ISSN 2153 733X), Sairocarpus will be recognized in the upcoming treatment of Plantaginaceae in Flora North America for "many of the New World species formerly placed in Antirrhinum L. ...", although it is at present unclear which California taxa treated in Antirrhinum in The Jepson Manual [Ed. 2] will be involved.]
Pending data
Sairocarpus multiflorus D. A. Sutton may become the accepted name for Antirrhinum multiflorum Pennell, illeg.
Editorial Summary and Current Status
Editorial Summary
possible addition, possibly different genus since The Jepson Manual [Ed. 2]
Current Status
JFP-1a, taxonomic or nomenclatural synonym for taxon native to CA