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Pennisetum latifolium Spreng.
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Initial Editorial Analysis
15 Aug 2011
Source of Report for California
Smith, J.P. 1995. A Checklist of California Grasses. Unpublished manuscript, Arcata, as cited in Kartesz & Meacham
Rosatti SMASCH notes: Not treated in The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1], yet said on collection label to be "naturalized... no cult."
Hrusa et al., ms later published in Madrono 49(2)61-98. 2002: DISTRIBUTION: CCo; STATUS: unknown; "...three clumps of plants...naturalized on shoulder of Southern Pacific RR...1969..."
Hrusa et al., Madrono 49(2)61-98. 2002: DIST: CCo: Hrusa et al. Current Status: No current information: DOC: Santa Cruz Co.: three clumps of plants to 12ft., naturalized on shoulder of Southern Pacific RR just N of 30th Ave. crossing, Santa Cruz. Sept. 29, 1969, J. Bauer s.n. (CDA); loc. cit. Oct. 9, 1969, T.C. Fuller 18980 (CDA, DAV, UC); Yolo Co.: Davis, UC farm, volunteer in row A12 of grass garden. Oct. 25, 1923, P.B. Kennedy s.n. (AHUC).
Initial Editorial Comments
one record in SMASCH, UC1255936 (T. C. Fuller 18980, 9 Oct 1969, "on shoulder of rr tracks, no cult." (with no indication of "naturalized" in SMASCH), Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co.; in no way mentioned in Munz, Munz Supplement, The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1]; according to Source d, status uncertain, collections not recent, yet conditions of cited occurrences evidently would qualify for inclusion in the flora according to criteria employed by Jepson Flora Project (27 Feb 2003).
Correspondence and Comments Subsequent to Initial Analysis
Correspondence 1
Treatment and author notes submitted for The Jepson Manual [Ed. 2] see Comment 1
Editorial Comments 1
Correspondence 1 indicates, in a note under the genus, that Pennisetum latifolium Spreng. is included among a list of taxa that "have been collected in CA" but have not "become naturalized". [Unfortunately, the treatment does not indicate more precisely the status of Pennisetum latifolium Spreng. relative to the flora of California (e.g., is it a waif, or does it not occur presently in California at all?). As an active waif, the taxon would have been included in the key to members of the genus, with a description only online; the fact that the taxon was not treated this way suggests it might have been considered to be an historical waif. ]
Editorial Summary and Current Status
Editorial Summary
rejection, not naturalized in CA, a waif
Current Status
JFP-3, accepted name for taxon occurring in CA only as a waif and/or garden escape, not naturalized