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Cyperus flavescens L.


Information from the Index of California Plant Names (ICPN)

Current Jepson Flora Project Synonyms Cyperus flavescens var. poiformis (Pursh) Fernald
Initial Editorial Analysis 24 Aug 2010
Source of Report for California  
a Gordon C. Tucker. Personal communication, as cited in Kartesz & Meacham
b Hrusa et al., ms later published in Madrono 49(2)61-98. 2002: DISTRIBUTION: ScV.; STATUS: established; "...damp sand...1999..."
c Hrusa et al., Madrono 49(2)61-98. 2002: DIST: ScV: Hrusa et al. Current Status: Naturalized in wildlands: DOC: Butte Co.: damp sand, E side Sac. R., NW Parrott Landing, 1 mi. SE Ord Ferry, 12 mi SE Chico. Aug. 13, 1999, Lowell Ahart and V. Oswald 8143 (CDA, CHSC), det. by V. Oswald, 10-99; loc. cit. Oct. 28, 1999, L. Ahart 8303 (CHSC); Arch Rock tunnel, Feather River Hwy, El. 500m. Sept. 6, 1981, L. Ahart 3123 (CHSC, DAV); Peter Ahart Ranch, 1 mi N and 23/4 mi E of Honcut. July 19, 1975, L. Ahart 901 (CHSC); loc. cit. Aug. 21, 1975, L. Ahart 957 (CHSC); loc. cit. Sept. 4, 1987, L. Ahart 5877 (CHSC); loc. cit. Aug. 19, 1995, L. Ahart 7618 (CHSC, JEPS); wet sand on N. Fk. Feather River nr Poe Powerhouse, riparian woodland, el. 890ft. Aug. 30, 1987, L. Ahart 5865 (CHSC); wet sand on margins of small pond in Oroville Wildlife Area. Common. El. 140ft. Aug. 23, 2000, L. Ahart 8664 (CHSC); moist gravel bar along Sacramento R. 0.25 mi downstream from Murphy's Slough. Riparian woodland. July 31, 1983, V. Oswald 941 (CHSC); Feenstra's Riverview Orchard W end of Cana Hwy between S half Cana Lake (on Dicus Slough) and Sacramento River. Uncommon. Wet gravel near shallow pools on large gravel bar along river. Portion of Rancho Bosquejo, el. 160ft. T23N, R02W, MD. Aug. 13, 1987, V. Oswald 3215 (CHSC); Tehama Co.: Hog Lake Plateau along Hwy. 36 NE of Red Bluff, T28N, R03W, Sec. 14, MD, el. 430ft, moist soil along Paynes Creek ca. 1 mi upstream from the old bridge site. Sept. 4, 1996, V. Oswald and L. Ahart 8270 (CHSC), det. L. Janeway; Yuba Co.: Wet soil in irrigated pasture on Eugene Ahart Ranch in Marysville, el. 100 ft. Sept. 11, 1975, L. Ahart s.n. (CHSC), det. V. Oswald; shallow water on disturbed rocky soil, S side Scott Forbes Rd, 0.25 mi E of intersection Scott Forbes Rd and Peoria Rd. E of Gray Dr., E of Browns Valley. Uncommon, el. 300 ft. Aug. 13, 1997, L. Ahart 7865 (CHSC), det. V. Oswald: NOTES: Additional collections from some of these same localities are at CHSC, the earliest from 1961.
Initial Editorial Comments in no way mentioned in Abrams & Ferris, Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States, Munz, Munz Supplement, The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1]; according to Source c, in California naturalized in wildlands, in ScV (25 Feb 2003)
Correspondence and Comments Subsequent to Initial Analysis
Correspondence 1 Treatment and author notes submitted for The Jepson Manual [Ed. 2] by Gordon C. Tucker see Comment 1
Editorial Comments 1 Correspondence 1 indicates that for The Jepson Manual [Ed. 2] Cyperus flavescens L. is to be recognized and treated as naturalized in CA.
Editorial Summary and Current Status
Editorial Summary addition, naturalized in CA
Current Status JFP-2, accepted name for taxon naturalized in CA
Current Status Authority The Jepson Manual [Ed. 2]

Current Status Date 24 Aug 2010
List of names for this Current Status category
List of ICPN names in Cyperus
List of names from ICPN, Hrusa's Crosswalk, and Jepson Flora in Cyperus

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