listed as one of several described hybrids under Ceanothus cuneatus, as one with lvs like Ceanothus cuneatus, and "possibly with genes of C. fresnesnis and C. prostratus" in Munz
Correspondence and Comments Subsequent to Initial Analysis
Correspondence 1 indicates that, according to Dieter Wilken (currently revising Ceanothus book at SBBG), Ceanothus connivens will not be treated at the taxonomic level indicated. [This suggests it will be recognized, but not at this rank (making Ceanothus connivens a syn), but it remains unclear by which name and at what rank the taxon will be recognized.]
10 Aug 2009 e-mail from Margriet Wetherwax, including forwarded information from Dieter H. Wilken, author of Ceanothus for The Jepson Manual [Ed. 2] see Comment 2
Correspondence 2 indicates that, according to Wilken, "Greene considered this to be a putative hybrid between C. cuneatus and C. prostratus; McMinn agreed, but it could a misidentified C. arcuatus; McMinn was not too clear. The type certainly compares favorably with arcuatus."