Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

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Author Date Title Source Citation Notes
detailBAGMET, Veronika B., Shamil R. ABDULLIN, Arthur Yu. NIKULIN, Vyacheslav Yu. NIKULIN, & Andrey A. GONTCHAROV2023 (Sep. 20)Luticola tenera sp. nov.(Diadesmidaceae, Naviculales) — a new diatom from the soil of the State Nature Reserve "Bastak" (Jewish Autonomous Region, Russia)Life [MDPI]13(9), 1937: 1-13, 5 figs.
detailBOO, Ga Hun, Antonella BOTTALICO, Line LE GALL, & Hwan Su YOON2023 (Mar. 9)Genetic diversity and phylogeography of a turf-forming cosmopolitan marine alga, Gelidium crinale (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta)International Journal of Molecular Sciences [MDPI]24(6), 5263: 1-17, 5 figs., 3 tablesPterocladia heteroplatos merged with G. crinale; no new names proposed
detailEGOROVA, Irina N., Nina V. KULAKOVA, Olga N. BOLDINA, & Galina S. TUPIKOVA2023 (Apr. 21)Barranca variabilis sp. nov. — a new terrestrial alga of the genus Barranca (Chaetophorales, Chlorophyta) from the Baikal region (Russia)Diversity [MDPI]15(4), 583: 1-17, 8 figs., 1 table
detailGUSEV, Evgeniy, Nataliya SHKURINA, & Phan Trong HUAN2023 (Oct. 13)Mallomonas acidophila sp. nov. (Synurales, Chrysophyceae) — a new species from the tropics with morphological features of fossil taxaPhytotaxa620(2): 157-166, 22 figs.
detailKRIVINA, E.S., T.V. SAVCHENKO, E.M. TEBINA, A.V. SHATILOVICH & A.D. TEMRALEEVA 2023 (Jul. 7)Morphology, phylogeny and fatty acid profiles of Meyerella similis from freshwater ponds and Meyerella krienitzii sp. nov. from soil (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta)Journal of Applied Phycology35(5): 2295-2307, 6 figs., 1 table
detailKULIKOVSKIY, Maxim, Anton GLUSHCHENKO, Elena KEZLYA, Irina KUZNETSOVA, John Patrick KOCIOLEK, & Yevhen MALTSEV2023 (Oct. 12)The genus Pinnularia Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyta) from the Transbaikal area (Russia, Siberia): description of seven new species on the basis of morphology and molecular data with discussion of the phylogenetic position of CaloneisPlants [MDPI]12(20), 3552: 1-38, 16 figs., 9 tablesPinnularia baicalgenkalii, P. baicalflexuosa, P. microfrauenbergiana, P. pergrunowii, P. siberiosinistra, P. baicalodivergens, and P. baicalislandica
detailLYRA, Manoela B., Ricardo G. BAHIA, Michel B. JESIONEK, Rodrigo T. CARVALHO, Fernando C. MORAES, Adele S. HARVEY, Renato C. PEREIRA, Fabiano SALGUEIRO, & Leonardo T. SALGADO2023 (Sep. 12)Hydrolithon farinosum and Lithophyllum epiphyticum sp. nov.(Corallinaceae, Corallinales, Rhodophyta), two epiphytic crustose coralline algae from the Abrolhos Archipelago, Brazil, southwestern AtlanticDiversity [MDPI]15(9), 1013: 1-15, 4 figs., 1 table
detailNIKULIN, Vyacheslav Yu, Arthur Yu. NIKULIN, Andrey A. GONTCHAROV, Veronika B. BAGMET, & Shamil R. ABDULLIN2023 (Sep. 23)Oogamochlamys kurilensis sp. nov. (Chlorophyta, Volvocales) from the soils of Iturup Island (Sakhalin region, Russia)Plants [MDPI]12(19), 3350: 1-15, 5 figs., 2 tables
detailSOROKOVIKOVA, Ekaterina, Irina TIKHONOVA, Peter EVSEEV, Andrey KRASNOPEEV, Igor KHANAEV, Sergey POTAPOV, Anna GLADKIKH, Ivan NEBESNYKH, & Olga BELYKH2023 (Jul. 9)Limnofasciculus baicalensis gen. et sp. nov. (Coleofasciculaceae, Coleofasciculales): A new genus of Cyanobacteria isolated from sponge fouling in Lake Baikal, RussiaMicroorganisms [MDPI]11(7), 1779: 1-24, 11 figs., 1 table
detailTRENTIN, Riccardo, Emanuela MOSCHIN, André DUARTE LOPES, Stefano SCHIAPARELLI, Luísa CUSTÓDIO, & Isabella MORO2022 (Nov. 4)Molecular, morphological and chemical diversity of two new species of Antarctic diatoms, Craspedostauros ineffabilis sp. nov. and Craspedostauros zucchellii sp. nov.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering [MDPI]10(11), 1656: 1-21, 8 figs., 2 tables