The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
Author | Date | Title | Source | Citation | Notes | |
detail | ANGELER, David G. | 1999 (Aug. 20) | Zur systematischen Stellung von Astasia tortuosa (Stokes) Popova, inkl. A. tortuosa var. harrisii (E. G. Pringsheim) Angeler stat. nov. (Euglenophyta) | Phyton (Austria) | 39(1): 27-35, 2 figs., 3 tables | |
detail | CHOMÉRAT, Nicolas, Maria SABUROVA, Gwenaël BILIEN, Frédéric ZENTZ, & Mona HOPPENRATH | 2023 (Apr. 11) | Morphology and molecular phylogeny of a widely distributed but little-known sand-dwelling phototrophic dinoflagellate, Coutea sabulosa gen. & sp. nov. (Dinophyceae, Alveolata) | Phycologia | 62(3): 244-258, 49 figs., 1 table | |
detail | DUMILAG, Richard V., Glenn Cedrick V. GAMUS, & Sandra L. YAP | 2023 (Apr. 12) | Pseudobangia corderoi sp. nov. (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) from the Philippines | Phycologia | 62(3): 237-243, 12 figs., 1 table | |
detail | KRAKHMALNYI, Maxim, Aleksandr KRAKHMALNYI & Galyna TERENKO | 2023 (May 25) | Protoperidinium euxinum (Protoperidiniaceae, Dinophyceae) — a novel dinoflagellate species from the plankton of the Black Sea | Phytotaxa | 598(3): 229-236, 4 figs. | |
detail | KRIVINA, Elena Maria SINETOVA, Tatyana SAVCHENKO, Evgeniy DEGTYARYOV, Elizaveta TEBINA, & Anna TEMRALEEVA | 2023 (Mar. 8) | Micractinium lacustre and M. thermotolerans spp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta): Taxonomy, temperature-dependent growth, photosynthetic characteristics and fatty acid composition | Algal Research | 71{103042}: 17 pp., 8 figs., 4 tables + tables A1, A1 | |
detail | OTA, Shuhei, Ko YOSHIMURA, Chika KOSUGI, & Shigeyuki KAWANO | 2023 (Mar. 13) | Taxonomic and physiological studies of Parachlorella kimitsuensis sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae), which shows high ammonium tolerance | Algal Research | 71{103054}: 10 pp., 7 figs., 1 table | |
detail | PENNESI, Chiara, Tiziana ROMAGNOLI, Mirko MUTALIPASSI, Mario DE STEFANO, Silvestro GRECO, & Cecilia TOTTI | 2023 (Mar. 31) | New insights into the association between epizoic diatoms and the sea turtle Chelonia mydas: new Mastogloia taxon (Bacillariophyceae) from Iran | Phycologia | 62(3): 225-236, 34 figs., 1 table | |
detail | VIDAKOVIĆ, Danijela, Zlatko LEVKOV, Jelena KRIZMANIĆ, Bank BESZTERI, Bojan GAVRILOVIĆ, & Milos ĆIRIĆ | 2023 (Apr. 21) | A new small-celled naviculoid diatom species, Mayamaea pannonica sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from soda pans in Serbia | Phycologia | 62(3): 268-276, 43 figs., 2 tables | |
detail | WANG, Xulei, Menglin GUO, Shusheng YAN, Yongqiang WANG, Zhongmin SUN, Bangmei XIA, & Guangce WANG | 2023 (Mar. 232) | Diversity of Gracilariaceae (Rhodophyta) in China: An integrative morphological and molecular assessment including a description of Gracilaria tsengii sp. nov. | Algal Research | 71{103074}: 13 pp., 6 figs. | |
detail | WAWRIK, Friederike | 1978 (May 18) | Algologische Ergebnisse der Eisschluss-, Tauwettereinbruch- und Eisbruchexkursionen 1975/76 aus Teichen des niederösterr. Waldviertels | Phyton (Austria) | 18(3-4): 221-232, 4 figs. | Sphaleromantis sandmannii validly published; infraspecific names not validly published: Pseudokephyrion klarnettii var. triangulare, Nephroselmis angulata f. astigmata, Stichococcus minor f. parasitica |
detail | WAWRIK, Friederike | 1987 (Nov. 30) | Phytoplankton-Erstbesiedlung eines Teiches in Niederösterreich | Phyton (Austria) | 27(2): 195-204, 5 figs. | |
detail | WAWRIK, Friederike, & Lothar SANDMANN | 1984 | Algen-Besiedlung zweier periodisch austrocknender Granitmulden im Waldviertel (Nieder-Österreich) | Phyton (Austria) | 24(2): 239-252, 7 figs. (Abb.) | |
detail | YAMAGUCHI, Aika, Mona HOPPENRATH, Shauna MURRAY, Anna Liza KRETZSCHMAR, Takeo HORIGUCHI, & Kevin C. WAKEMAN | 2022 (Nov. 7) '2023' | Morphology and molecular phylogeny of the benthic dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae, Peridiniales) Amphidiniopsis crumena n. sp. and Amphidiniopsis nileribanjensis n. sp. | European Journal of Protistology | 87{125940}: 16 pp., 8 figs. |