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Jepson Interchange (more information) |
©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
For up-to-date information about California vascular plants, visit the Jepson eFlora. |
Perennial to trees, from membranous bulb, fibrous corm, scaly rhizome, or erect caudex
Stem generally underground
Leaves generally basal, often withering early, alternate, generally ± linear
Inflorescence various, generally bracted
Flower generally bisexual, generally radial; perianth often showy, segments generally 6 in two petal-like whorls (outer sometimes sepal-like), free or fused at base; stamens 6 (or 3 + generally 3 ± petal-like staminodes), filaments sometimes attached to perianth or fused into a tube or crown; ovary superior or inferior, chambers 3, placentas generally axile, style generally 1, stigmas generally 3
Fruit: generally capsule, loculicidal or septicidal (berry or nut)
Genera in family: ± 300 genera, 4600 species: especially ± dry temp and subtropical; many cultivated for ornamental or food;some TOXIC . Here includes genera sometimes treated in Agavaceae, Amaryllidaceae, and other families.
Perennial from small, fibrous-coated corm
Leaves fewseveral, basal, narrow, generally ± cylindric
Inflorescence umbel-like; axis stiff, straight, cylindric; bracts generally 3, papery, acuminate; pedicels slender, unjointed, erect
Flower: perianth segments 6 in 2 petal-like whorls, barely fused at base, lobes generally equal, lanceolate or oblong, widely spreading, midribs 2-veined; stamens 6, filaments thread-like to winged, anthers attached at middle; style short, club-shaped, persistent, stigma 3-lobed
Fruit: capsule, subspheric, 3-angled, loculicidal
Seeds irregularly angled, black
Species in genus: ± 6 species: sw US, n Mex
Etymology: (Anagram of Allium, from superficial resemblance)
Reference: [Shevock 1984 Aliso 10:621627]
Native |
Leaf 1060 cm
Inflorescence 1050 cm; pedicels 1050 mm; flowers 420
Flower: perianth lobes 36 mm (inner slightly wider), greenish white, striped brown; stamens 25 mm, filaments thread-like or slightly wider at base, anthers blue, green, or purple
Fruit 58 mm
Chromosomes: n=7,8, 10
Ecology: Grassland, open scrub, woodland, in alkaline, granitic, or serpentine soils
Elevation: 02300 m.
Bioregional distribution: c&s Northwestern California, Central Western California, Southwestern California, uncommon in c Sierra Nevada Foothills, Great Central Valley, w Desert
Distribution outside California: Baja California
Flowering time: MarJun
Horticultural information: DRN, DRY, SUN: 3, 7, 14; may be DFCLT.