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Jepson Interchange (more information) |
©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
For up-to-date information about California vascular plants, visit the Jepson eFlora. |
Annual to shrub
Leaves generally simple, generally alternate, generally petioled; stipules 0; blade entire to deeply lobed
Inflorescence various
Flower bisexual; calyx lobes generally 5; corolla ± radial, cylindric to rotate, lobes generally 5; stamens 5, alternate corolla lobes; ovary superior, generally 2-chambered, style 1
Fruit: berry or capsule, 25-chambered
Genera in family: 75 genera, 3000 species: worldwide, especially ± tropical; many alien weeds in CA; many cultivated for food, drugs, or ornamental (potato, tomato, peppers, tobacco, petunia);many TOXIC .
Annual to small tree
Leaves entire
Inflorescence: raceme or panicle, terminal
Flower: calyx 5-lobed, ± enlarging, not fully enclosing fruit; corolla generally radial, generally funnel-shaped to salverform; stamens 5, equal or 1 smaller
Fruit: capsule
Seeds many, minute, angled
Species in genus: ± 60 species: generally Am; N. tabacum L. widely cultivated.
Etymology: (J. Nicot, 15301600, said to have introduced tobacco to Eur)
Reference: [Goodspeed 1954 Chron Bot 16:1536]
Seriously TOXIC to livestock .
Introduced |
Generally tree < 6 m, generally glabrous, generally glaucous; wood soft
Leaf 521 cm, petioled, generally ± ovate
Inflorescence: bracts < 5 mm, linear
Flower: calyx ± 10 mm, lobes < tube, ± unequal, triangular; corolla 3035 mm, ± cylindric, yellow; stamens ± equal, filaments attached below middle of tube
Fruit 715 mm
Ecology: Open, disturbed flats or slopes
Elevation: < 1100 m.
Bioregional distribution: Inner North Coast Ranges, c&s Sierra Nevada Foothills, Great Central Valley, Central Western California, Southwestern California, Desert
Distribution outside California: to s US, Mexico, Africa, Mediterranean; native to S.America
Flowering time: Spring, summer