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©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
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Annual, perennial herb, sometimes aquatic
Leaves generally basal and cauline, generally alternate, simple or compound; petioles at base generally flat, sometimes sheathing or stipule-like
Inflorescence: cyme, raceme, panicle, or flowers solitary
Flower generally bisexual, radial; sepals generally 5, free, early deciduous or withering in fruit, generally green; petals 0many, free; stamens generally 10many; pistils 1many, ovary superior, chamber 1, style 1, generally ± persistent in fruit as beak, ovules 1many
Fruit: achene, follicle, berry, or utricle-like, 1many-seeded
Genera in family: ± 60 genera, 1700 species: worldwide, especially n temp, tropical mtns; many ornamental (Adonis, Aquilegia, Clematis, Consolida, Delphinium, Erianthis, Helleborus ),some highly TOXIC (Aconitum, Actaea, Delphinium, Ranunculus )
Reference: [Duncan & Keener 1991 Phytologia 70:2427]
Annual from fibrous roots, generally glabrous
Stems 1many, ascending to erect, slender, generally tufted
Leaves simple; basal, ± sessile, thread-like to narrowly oblanceolate, entire
Inflorescence scapose; peduncle 1-flowered, in fruit generally > 1 cm
Flower bisexual, radial; receptacle in fruit much elongated, cylindric; sepals 57, spurred, white to green, fading brownish; petals 0 or 35, white to greenish or yellowish, generally early deciduous; stamens 5many; pistils many
Fruit: achenes, glabrous to puberulent; keel on outer surface, in depression or not, beak (continuation of keel) ± ascending to erect-appressed
Species in genus: 1015 species: temp Am, Eurasia, New Zealand
Etymology: (Greek: mouse tail, from receptacle in fruit)
Reference: [Campbell 1952 El Aliso 2:389403; Stone 1959 Evolution 13:151174]
Fr needed for identification.
Native |
Plant 1.512 cm
Leaf 16 cm, thread-like to linear
Inflorescence in fruit > leaves
Flower: receptacle in fruit 415 mm; sepals 12.5 mm, spur 13 mm; petals 0 or 5, ± = sepals; stamens generally 5
Fruit: body ± compressed laterally, longer than wide; keel not in a depression; beak ± ascending, 0.32 mm
Ecology: Wet places, vernal pools, marshes, scrub
Elevation: 13003100 m.
Bioregional distribution: Klamath Ranges, Cascade Range, Sierra Nevada (except Tehachapi Mountain Area), Sacramento Valley, San Bernardino Mountains, Modoc Plateau
Distribution outside California: to British Columbia, Montana, Colorado, Chile
Synonyms: M. aristatus Benth., M. minimus L. subsp. montanus G.R. Campb