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Jepson Interchange (more information) |
©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
For up-to-date information about California vascular plants, visit the Jepson eFlora. |
Annual to tree
Leaves basal or cauline, alternate to whorled, simple to compound
Inflorescence: 1° inflorescence a head, each resembling a flower, 1many, generally arrayed in cymes, generally subtended by ± calyx-like involucre; flowers 1many per head
Flowers bisexual, unisexual, or sterile, ± small, of several types; calyx 0 or modified into pappus of bristles, scales, or awns, which is generally persistent in fruit; corolla radial or bilateral (rarely 0), lobes generally (0)45; stamens 45, anthers generally fused into cylinder around style, often appendaged at tips, bases, or both, filaments generally free, generally attached to corolla near throat; pistil 1, ovary inferior, 1-chambered, 1-seeded, style 1, branches 2, generally hair-tufted at tip, stigmas 2, generally on inside of style branches
Fruit: achene, cylindric to ovoid, generally deciduous with pappus attached
Genera in family: ± 1300 genera, 21,000 species (largest family of dicots): worldwide. Largest family in CA. Also see tribal key to CA genera: Strother 1997 Madroño 44(1):128. See glossary p. 25 for illustrations of general family characteristics.
Annual 18 dm, sometimes decumbent, ± woolly
Leaves opposite below, alternate above, linear to (ob)lanceolate, entire to wavy-dentate
Inflorescence: head solitary, radiate; involucre hemispheric; phyllaries in 1 series, free or fused into lobed cup, tips black-hairy; receptacle conic, naked
Ray flowers 1 per phyllary; corolla generally yellow, with small lobe opposite ligule
Disk flowers yellow; lobe hairs large, nonglandular
Fruit: ray fruits 3-angled (disk fruits 4-angled), ± obconic; pappus 0
Species in genus: 4 species: CA
Etymology: (Greek: single husk, from phyllaries)
Reference: [Johnson 1991 Novon 1:119124]
Native |
Stems: branches mostly near top, ± spreading
Inflorescence: peduncles 212 cm; involucre 57 mm; phyllaries 711, elliptic-oblanceolate, free
Ray flowers: ligules 510 mm, entire or slightly lobed
Fruit ± 2 mm, not compressed, ± glabrous
Chromosomes: 2n=24?,26
Ecology: Serpentine grassland, open chaparral, oak woodland
Elevation: 1001200 m.
Bioregional distribution: San Francisco Bay Area, South Coast Ranges.